Crowdfunding since 2010

Together we will create the meaningful performance piece of Barbis Ruder at Donaufestival. #IAmInfluenca Become #InfluencerofInfluenca and #likemetoo

#likemetoo is Barbis Ruder's new way of art commercialization. The performance offers YOU the infamous "5 Minutes of Fame". You can buy them here in the ONLINE SHOP! Take part in the piece development by placing your own tweets and content into the performance. Together with YOU we are testing which deals and contents bring the highest like and financial values. Be part of the INFLUENCA movement.
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Funding period
3/8/18 - 5/6/18
4. & 5. May 2018
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 3,333 €

YOU will make us HAPPY! Fair pay for all the art workers of this project!

Krems an der Donau
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What is this project all about?

Hate Post and Love Message Multiplicatiors for Everyone!

"With this performance I am taking the potential of clicktivism and democratization possibilities of the Internet ad absurdum. At the same time, I also want to promote solidarity and mutual featuring among us local artists, self-employed and entrepreneurs"

With the internet the belief of making change possible by buying choices became even more popular: The consumers can make politics, feel better and support what pleases their morals. Luckily, this is possible to a certain extent. However, there also are issues that we have no influence on, but still feel highly responsible for. This often leads to a dull feeling of powerlessness that - in a strange way - also cries for even more consumption.

In #likemetoo there is room for everything! Outspoken appreciation and love confessions will get the same space in the performance as honest rants and hate posts. You can purchase this option via the starter option "TWEETSforTWO for only €6,66: One for the love and one for the hate.
Thanks to the freedom of the arts, everything will be censorship-free. However, the Wingdings*-filter can be challenged. So simply test how far you can go. ;)


What is the project goal and who is the project for?

Infected! Become an Influencer of INFLUENCA

In order to give space to the growing meaninglessness under economic pressure, Barbis Ruder created the character "INFLUENCA". It is a fresh new shell that you can bring to life by mirroring her endlessly, by bringing in ideas and by projecting your visions onto her.

In contrast to "normal" influencers, Barbis Ruder offers space for people, artists and smaller local companies to become immortal in her art work and so a part of art history.

Why would you support this project?

Claim Your Space or Support a Friend!

Anyone can become an influencer and help to shape this performance. Text messages to INFLUENCA or your MOM are just as welcome as ads and features by/for artists, initiatives, self-employed and local small business owners.

In the performance they are shown live on video screens, later they are part of video works in exhibitions. Word contributions by INFLUENCA will also be possible. Keep your eyes open for the next fresh offers and let us know what is still missing to like us even more!

Just go ahead and dare to be part of it!
Hide behind your keyboard at the same time and drop all the messages you want!
Be live with us at Donaufestival! In the audience, or via live stream!
Meet INFLUENCA personally at her Happynings in Vienna and the #likemetoo performance on the 4th & 5th May in Krems!
Be part of this meaningful performance!

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

The Pink Elephant in the Art Business

It is no secret that artists like Ruder produce with highly limited resources.

She would like to invite more performers to participate in the project and have more artistic possibilities and quality time to rehearse. Moreover, she wants to be able to implement more Happynings:

"I don't need a famous internet cat in this performance, but I dream of a pink elephant that accompanies me through Vienna's city center. I can not afford it yet, I hope the crowd helps me to make that dream and other crazy actions come true. Moreover, I want to be able to pay my team fairly. "

Who are the people behind the project?

INFLUENCA is a work of art by BARBIS RUDER DOT COM. She laughs a lot and likes to produce herself. She represents Barbis in online and offline communications. Sometimes she says what Barbis would never dare to speak of. #hehe

Influencer of INFLUENCA
Donaufestival Krems, die Angewandte, Bundeskanzleramt Austria, Samstag Shop, superated, experimonde, k48,, Crowdfunder's HUB, your name could also be here.

Concept, Performance, Music, Video: Barbis Ruder #SuperSocial
Video, Artistic Advice: Ewa Stern #CameraRocker
Dramaturgical Support: Andrea Salzmann #BrainBodyActivator
Costume: Peter Holzinger #FashionMaker
Photo: Helmut Prochart #BestEye
Production: Eva Perner #StarProducer
Set-Design: P. Michael Schultes, Carolin Lotz experimonde #LacquerFilmMasters #PlasticFantastic
Marketing Assistance: n.N. #WillBeFabulous
Other Performers: Mette Kristensen #MissMarketing, Elephant (n.N.) #LookingForAMiracle

Barbis Ruder is a Viennese performance artist.

She was born in Heidelberg (D), and grew up in Erlangen (D), Garmisch-Partenkirchen (D), Kerava (FIN) and Hinterzarten (D). After living, studying and working in Freiburg (D), Helsinki (FIN), and Breda (NL), she went to Vienna (A) to start working as an artist.

Barbis Ruder uses her body and her artificial corporate bodies to mix topics like economy, work, intimacy and convention into complex, but also minimalistic and reduced compositions that take shape in performance, installation, video and sculpture. As fine artist she is both creating work for exhibition spaces as well as for the stage. Her performances are always staged and related to the variety of media and form: from the body to the moving image, sound, sculpture and installation in space.

Her work was awarded with the H13 price for performance of Kunstraum Niederoesterreich (2014), the art price of the archidiozese Freiburg (2015) and the honorary price of the Federal Ministery of Science, Research and Economy (2015). In 2017 she was scholarship holder of the Art Foundation Baden-Württemberg and received the START fellowship in media art. Moreover, she was nominated for hte Kardinal König Kunstpreis.

She lives and works in Vienna.


The crowdfunding project has been successfully completed. Supporting and ordering is no longer available on Startnext.

  • The processing of orders placed will be handled directly by the project owners according to the stated delivery time.

  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

  • Cancellations and returns are subject to the terms and conditions of the respective project owner.

  • Revocations and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.

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Verein MEOW - ephmere Vorhaben
Barbara Ruder
Löwengasse 2/4
1030 Wien Österreich

4/30/18 - Liebe Influencers! vielen Dank für euren...

Liebe Influencers!
vielen Dank für euren Support! Wir haben es geschafft!
Amazing! Wir freuen uns über eure finanzielle Beeinflussung!
Da wir noch nicht alle Meet&Geets herausgegeben haben und eure Beeinflussung, sowie die des Publikums auch für die Live Performance am 4. & 5. Mai in Krems wichtig sein wird, haben wir beschlossen, die Kampagne bis zum 6. Mai zu verlängern! Solltet ihr noch keine Tickets haben und vorbeikommen wollen, so könnt ihr diese noch hier im Onlineshop erwerben! :D xx B

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