Crowdfunding since 2010
more thanshelters develops architecture and design concepts exclusively for humanitarian purposes. Since two years we are working on our most important project: DOMO. A mobile modular system for refugees in crisis regions worldwide. We want to apply our newly developed DOMO shelter system for the first time in Jordan and create together with Syrian refugees - and your help - a safe, healthy and humane living space in a refugee camp.
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Funding period
11/6/13 - 1/31/14
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
25,000 €
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What is this project all about?

The morethanshelters – pilot project in Jordan...

Since the beginning of the Syrian civil war in 2011, more than 2,5 million people have fled from the violence in their home country. More than 500.000 of them rescued themselves to the neighbouring state Jordan. There , in the middle of the desert, in Zataari one the the worlds' biggest refugee camps with more than 120.000 people was established.

Through an enormous logistical effort the many refugees in Zataari could be supplied with tents and basic necessities for their daily life in the short term. However, life in this environment is highly straining – physically as well as psychologically - for the people that come there to seek protection. Daily life in the crowded camp is strenuous and the conditions are harsh. The families do not know when and if a return will be possible.

The violence in Syria continues and the number of refugees is growing. Therefore a second camp for another 150.000 people shall be established within the next month, near by Jordan's capital city Amman. It is our goal to sustainably help as many people as possible with our modular system DOMO.

For that we need your support.

Together with our partner, the Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW), we will make the modular system DOMO available on-site and adapt it to the circumstances of the new refugee camp by directly collaborating with the refugees. We can build shelter, but also schools, creches or exactly those structures that are needed the most. Because this is what makes DOMO one of a kind: The flexibility to culturally sensitive and directly design and develop living spaces in just a few simple steps.

We are sure: Our DOMO-system performs better that any previous refugee tent. What we need is financial help to start the project.

The challenge...

The United Nations currently count 45 million people that were forced to leaves their homes due to conflicts or natural disasters. As many as never before. Unfortunately this tendency keeps increasing. Many of those people find refuge in a refugee camp. The average duration of stay in a refugee camp is currently 12 years.

The global development is challenging those international expert teams, aid organisations and city planners, that made it their duty to help people in need, with new and highly complex requirements. Solutions that go beyond the current, undoubtedly vital emergency aid and “ad hoc” support services, are demanded. It has to be aimed for the development of long-term sustainable problem solution so that survival spaces become living spaces all over the world.

Our solution...

For this reason our DOMO became a whole system. From a tent, to a hut, into a house. All elements of our building kit can comply with various functions that last longer and are significantly more stable. This is how we can even help those people that are fleeing for many years. How does that work?

DOMO is easy to transport in its basic variant as well as easy to erect, like a tent. It fulfills all the standards of internationally established supply chains in the humanitarian aid sector. But instead of a short usable and disposable product, DOMO is the first completely sustainably designed system. We have developed all components required so that they can go through many life cycles. Thus, all applied resources can be used repeatedly. Our main structure for example does not only carry fabrics but also heavy loads, without any problems and over long periods of time. This serves as a basis for continuous new and improving solutions.

The choice of material is adapted to diverse climatic, geographic and cultural contexts. DOMO offers protection and safety in all weather conditions. Temperature and humidity are controllable through variable forms of ventilation, thus guarantee a healthy room climate and high standards of hygiene.

DOMO can be repeatedly changed and supplemented. From the basic units we can build for different family sizes as well as different room forms. Locally available materials can easily improve and supplement DOMO. The most important aspect is however, that the people on-site are actively involved in the designing of their living spaces, due to the diverse variation possibilities. Therefore we are not talking about a product unit but about DOMO as a building kit of possibilities. The human being does not adapt to the structure, but the housing structure adapts to the human being.

“I have never seen such a comprehensive system for the supply of refugees. This interdisciplinary approach is unique and exemplary. It is impressive what kind of results are possible when it is not the `usual suspects´that are doing the planning.”
- Albrecht Brömme, President of the Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW).

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

It is morethanshelters' objective to create a temporary home for those people that find themselves in emergency situations. From experiences in projects all over the world we know that intelligently designed living space has an impact on the physical and psychological well-being of people. However, each crisis situation is different from another crisis situation in its climatic and geographical circumstances. Every plight permeates various areas of culture and meets different groups of people. Therefore there cannot only be one structural solution. Only with a system that adapts to people, individual needs fore safety, secureness and privacy can be actively designed. We are convinced that design and architecture can only create ideal impact if the user population gets to take part in the designing process. Especially in the humanitarian field. Only the human being turns the space in which he lives into a place, into a living space, into a home. Our partners, the aid organisations, finally have the possibility to fulfill their vital task much better and more flexible. They can sustainably help many people at the same time.

Enable people to unfold spaces – Create spaces to empower people

Why would you support this project?

After comprehensive and successful tests our DOMO system will be used in Jordan for Syrian refugees. On-site we will collaborate directly with the families and allow, for the first time, that their needs are directly heard and respected. Finally it is happening: We can prove that a much better emergency care is possible if the human being is at the center of all spatial design.

Your support will open up entirely new ways of emergency relief.

Every help increases dignity on-site.

Every donation expands the project and together we can help more people.

Change in the refugee camps throughout the world in urgently required! As a creative team we have developed an opportunity and with you we can achieve our common goal.

Together we can proof:

Humane living – even in emergency situations – is possible.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

The proceeds from the crowdfunding are fully used to finance our project in Jordan. With the funding threshold of 50,000 euros we are able to produce at least 50 basic units and adapted theme to the local conditions.

Should we be able to reach the target sum of 80,000 euros we can engage in on-site work with the people to implementation even larger structures out of the DOMO system. We can build meeting rooms, schools or kindergartens. We want to release the special potential of our approach with full force: to create spaces that adapt to the people's need – to individuals, families and the community . So we can not only relieve the acute distress, but build places that can mark a new starting point.

Each additional euro will always flow directly into the work of our teams. Social design is always a process that reacts spontaneously and accurately to local needs . So we can always work on current solutions, but also develop medium- and long-term strategies. Above all, we can help more people with innovations made ​​on site .

Help us with your donation. Become a habitat donor!

Who are the people behind the project?

Behind the project is the non-profit association morethanshelters e.V. as part of the social business enterprise morethanshelters, founded in February 2012 in Hamburg by Daniel Kerber.

morethanshelters emerged from the vision and commitment of a team of architects, designers, scientists, with years of experience in the development and humanitarian sector as well as by the numerous people who supported us along the way so far with their expertise, their networks and donations.

Where we are at...

The product development was started in 2012 and led via the prototype phase and test projects to the first pre-series. The development takes place in conjunction with high-quality partners, including the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics, international aid organisations and five universities. In May 2012 prototypes have been presented to the public for the first time. In June 2013 field trials were held. Currently we are working on the series that will be used in Jordan. We currently run, next to the project with the THW in Syria, discussions for further projects with aid organizations, foundations and partners in Kenya and South Africa. We are now in direct contact with all the major aid organizations to conduct further assistance operations in Africa and Asia next to our very first important pilot project.

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morethanshelters e.V.
Daniel Kerber
Gottschedstr. 4
13357 Berlin Berlin

Telefon: +49-30-95624929
Telefax: +49-30-12026434

Registergericht: Amtsgericht Berlin (Charlottenburg)
Registernummer: VR 31902


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morethanshelters project in refugee camp in Jordan
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