Crowdfunding since 2010

Together, we can save the oldest cinema in Germany.

We are Moviemento, the oldest cinema in Germany. We are an independently-run cinema, and home to many film festivals and special cinema events of all kinds. Moviemento’s existence is critically threatened as the rooms housing the cinema are up for sale on the real estate market. We want to withdraw the cinema from the market, to purchase the space, and to secure the long-term survival of this unique space. Please show us your support with a donation. You can help us save Moviemento!
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Funding period
11/5/19 - 3/17/20
February 2020-October 2020
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 100,000 €

With the First Funding Goal, including alternatively funded money and a very large reduction in the selling price, we hope to purchase the cinema.

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2,350 Supporter

John Held
John Held
Nicklas Rommé
Nicklas Rommé
Camille Lasnier
Camille Lasnier
Christian Baether
Christian Baether
Pola Gronwald
Pola Gronwald
Lisa Beuster
Lisa Beuster
Tobias Schmid
Tobias Schmid
Jürgen Kunkel
Jürgen Kunkel
Tri Luc Vernet
Tri Luc Vernet
Florian Dirr
Florian Dirr
Simone Held
Simone Held
Tomas Steffens
Tomas Steffens
anonymous supports: 858
Be a Moviemento Hero
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