Crowdfunding since 2010

A Mystical Webseries

Adaptation of the story "Ugly Utopia" by Dan K. Sigurd, about a world that succumbs to the hallucinogen of an ancient creature from the jungle.
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Funding period
3/13/19 - 6/12/19
Summer 2019 - Spring 2020
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 4,000 €

3 episodes (+pilot)

Movie / Video
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filmArche Drehalltag

Dan K. Sigurd
Dan K. Sigurd1 min Lesezeit

Bilder vom Set von "Der Bubenaufstand" mit Camilla Kinzonzi, die auch in Ugly Utopia zu sehen ist. Dan K. Sigurd schauspielerte ebenfalls, während Ferdinand Will, Alexander Reichel und Sebastian Hofbauer wieder hinter der Kamera zugange waren.


Pictures from the Set of "Der Bubenaufstand" with Camilla Kinzonzi, who can also be seen in Ugly Utopia. Dan K. Sigurd acted as well, while Ferdinand Will, Alexander Reichel, Sebastian Hofbauer worked behind the camera again.



Dan K. Sigurd
Dan K. Sigurd2 min Lesezeit


Dan K. Sigurd
Dan K. Sigurd1 min Lesezeit

8 Tage

Dan K. Sigurd
Dan K. Sigurd26 min Lesezeit

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Ugly Utopia
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