Crowdfunding since 2010

A moving short film about addiction in a parental home through the eyes of a child.

While his father Rudi desperately tries to regain the lost family happiness at the slot machine, Niklas (11) is often left alone with his alcoholic mother Anna. When intoxicated, she is unpredictable: sometimes she treats Niklas lovingly and tenderly, sometimes she terrorizes him with fits of rage. Niklas is torn between his sense of duty to help his parents and his wish to escape his parental home.
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Funding period
6/21/21 - 9/15/21
late Summer 2021
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 17,500 €

Fill a funding gap and pay for cast, crew, technology and catering, in addition to building educational bundles for implementation in schools.

Frankfurt am Main
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4,920 €

What is this project all about?

The short film "Memory of a Forgotten Childhood" deals with the topic of addiction in a parental home through the eyes of a child. The film is supposed to form a fundament of a teaching package, meant to be used in schools, addiction counseling, workshops, etc. to educate and discuss the topic of addiction.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

With the film "Memories of a Forgotten Childhood" we aim to make the topic of addiction heard in the media and sensitize viewers to the problem.

In addition to the classic filmic distribution, we have set ourselves the goal of an educational evaluation in the form of a teaching package. The film is to serve as a basis for discussion at schools or addiction counseling centers, in order to show and address the problem.

That way, we would like to give affected children in particularly, but also affected parents, the courage to open up to people they trust in order to take the initial hurdle back to normality.

Why would you support this project?

The subject of addiction, especially alcohol addiction, receives far less media attention in Germany than is necessary. Especially at a time of global crisis, when people are even more confined to their own four walls than ever before, the problem takes on a much more drastic tone. Families suffer more from addicted members because there are less opportunities to get out. In addition, those affected suffer more from the social distance to friends and acquaintances and consequently to potential confidants. Especially children, who are not yet able to get out of their predicament on their own, are mostly forgotten by the general public and should be reason enough for all of us to do something against addiction in the parental home.

We did not forget you.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

Successful funding will primarily help us to carry out the production according to the high standards of sustainable filmmaking, under the direction of our green consultant.

In addition, however, part of the money will go towards the educational mission we are striving for. This includes the research and creation of the educational packages, as well as their distribution to schools, prevention centers and other contact points for people suffering from addiction.

Who are the people behind the project?

The initiator is screenwriter and director Lars Smekal, who is currently completing his master's degree in time-based media at Mainz University of Applied Sciences with this project.

He is supported in production and distribution by the Frankfurt-based film production company MAPP media GmbH, headed by Managing Director and Creative Director Nico Drago, who is producing the film and responsible for the camera work.

Helen Dreesen, Green Consultant and Creative Producer at MAPP media, is in charge of production management for the short film. In addition to the rest of the MAPP team, the crew consists of other creative filmmakers, primarily from the Rhine-Main area.

In addition, the Cast, as for example Sarah Grunert or Wolfgang Vogler of the play Frankfurt, will consist in substantial parts of actors of the Rhine Main area.


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MAPP media

Ausführende Filmproduktion

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Film & Medien Nachwuchsförderung Rheinland-Pfalz

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Landesamt für Soziales, Jugend und Versorgung

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Fokus Kultur

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