Crowdfunding since 2010

A piece of land in the city as platform for a sustainable lifestyle: building together, working, gardening and contributing to a culture of essentials

The vienna.transitionBASE offers room for projects of change. You can get to know a culture of sustainability, try out new things, network and contribute. Buildings of clay, straw and wood as well as areas that are kept natural for gardening and resting and offer inspiration for expression and evolvement. The tBASE is now opening as a platform to collectively create an example of joyful and sustainable living with additional, fascinating initiatives. And your support is needed for that!
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Funding period
5/30/16 - 7/2/16
Juli - October 2016
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
10,000 €
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What is this project all about?

For us, the transitionBASE located in the city of Vienna is a ‘living lab for a future of lived chances’. We want to live essentials now!

The economical and ecological change of culture and society is dear to our hearts. We create room for players who want to get active as well as for guests who want to be inspired. We try out ways that reopen our sense of what we really need for a happy, healthy and fulfilled life.

With our predecessor-project ‘Sprungbrett Aspern’ we already collected experience and knowledge of the temporarily usable space in the area of the newly emerging ‘Seestadt Aspern’ since 2011. During this project, creations like clay and straw building prototypes, ‘bio-kiln’, composting toilet, permaculture beds, foodsharing networks, sociocratic communication, art, concerts, parties, singalongs, seminars, workshops and many more were realized.
And we learned a lot about ourselves, especially that one of the most essential things is relationship.

Since the fall of 2015 we have a new contract to use the area until 2020. Because of the intention to build a more professional and effective platform for projects, a new drive and energy came to the place. During the last few years, a similarly fresh wind of a young and alternative scene of entrepreneurs is palpable in the city of Vienna. So the transitionBASE is a great addition, because it is a stepping stone for green and social start-ups. We want to support a dialog and cooperation to create room for synergies so that small but good ideas can grow and get to the next step. Our green oasis in the heart of the ‘Seestadt Aspern’ is the perfect place for that.

The transitionBASE is built on 6 pillars that are interconnected:
EXPO - exposition and use of prototype buildings, projects and objects
PARK - nature, garden, edible landscape and green city oasis
CAMPUS - we pass on our experience in seminars and workshops
STAGE - expression of the culture of change in the form of public events and experiences
FABLAB - communal studio/workshop for experiments, sustainable ideas and Open Source projects
NET - a big network, a living community of change - and you can be a part of it.

“A future worth living is possible - we’re trying it!”

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

“I love the whisper of the trees and the open space, here directly in front of the lakecity Seestadt Aspern, where you can be in nature and also be at Praterstern in Vienna in 20 minutes.”

People who are interested in sustainable building, gardening and living, find a lot of fascinating projects and creations at the transitionBASE. We offer a space where a new culture can be tried out as well as lived. We organize greenbuilding seminars and want to develop new possibilities for low-priced and sustainable living space with our house prototypes.

The permaculture garden and container studio/workshop are aimed to create communal and experimential results for a transition.

Additionally there is room for very practical experiences - from making a Green Smoothie (pick it yourself and mix it) to a pleasant indoor climate in a clay house as well as using an outhouse. In seminars taking place here, you can learn to build such houses, or you can just relax in a hammock and listen to the whims chirping.

You can join, become a member, propose a project or get involved in an existing one; everything is possible. Aside from houses built from renewable resources and a species-rich natural garden, it is also possible to find out more on the topic of transition and change through our events and cultural contributions. In fall of 2016 the opening of the space is planned.

Come and check out our urban nature lab and lively experiment - the playground of the special kind for adults. You can find more ideas and likeminded people through our transitionBASE Newsletter, our website,, our Facebook page vienna.transitionBASE or through our network.

Why would you support this project?

We create the base for the transitionBASE.
In fall the opening of the platform for guests and visitors is planned. It is important to secure a good and reliable infrastructure for the vienna.transitionBASE. Your support allows us an important step to more professionally integrate additional exciting projects and to be able to offer a truly effective platform for transition.

You can join with your project, allow other projects to join, and also get to know many exciting people and ideas. As a platform we want to be the support for great projects and participants and present ingenious new solutions to the world. To accomplish that, we need good tools, water, electricity, a studio/workshop, toilets, a kitchen and dry working spaces.

Check out or just visit us personally!
‘You are not alone with the idea that it has to be possible to do it differently!’

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

We have a 3 steps plan:

10.000 € as a basis (funding-threshold) - The most important things.
For electricity/water/warmth, weatherproofing of buildings, flyer, webpage, crowdfunding-campaign, tools for gardening, display cases and signs, toilet and kitchen, submission for buildings, safety of trees, basic facilities for the studio/workshop

15.000 € as second step - really cool !
5000 € for a big canopy for the studio/workshop, garden infrastructure and care. Infocenter and a tipi for a culture of community.

20.000 € as third step - really amazing !!
5000 € for the covering of a 50sqm geodesic dome (“oasis of living silence”) and additional constructions of the kitchen for use in the winter time.

Who are the people behind the project?

The non-profit organization United Creations - live creatively in communion (UC)
The core of United Creations (UC) is the appreciation of interconnectedness of everything living. UC is channeling different forms of engagement in civil society in the areas of sustainability, resilience and participation to promote a fruitful cooperation of local and international players.

David Marek - dipl. Psychologe, Lehr-Coach, Pioneers of Change-Lehrgangsleiter
Martina Höss - Künstlerin: heilsame Ölmalerei, Art-Performance, Wandgestaltungen, Vize-Obfrau
Markus Meznik - Musiker, Künstler, Clown und ‘Joker’ im Vorstand des Vereins
Gabriela Janu - Lomi-Lomi-Masseurin, Fitnesstrainerin, Architektin, ‘Kommunikatorin’ im Vorstand
Dorothea Ziegler - dipl. Shiatsupraktikerin, Leiterin spiritueller Kreistänze, begeisterte Crowdfunderin
Elisabeth Demeter - Beraterin für IT-Sicherheit, Coach, Trainer, Wildnispädagogin und Mitorganisatorin des Greenskills Lehrgangs
Michael Zimmermann - Coach, Trainer, Spielpädagoge; Gartengruppe der tBASE
David Stanzel - Landschaftsplaner, urbaner Gemeinschaftsgärtner und Obmann von Gartenpolylog
Gerhard Scherbaum - Wassertechniker, Stroh- & Lehm-Fachbauer, Mitgründer von ‘Stroh2Gether’ und ‘dieWOGEN’ (Wohnprojekte Genossenschaft)
Hubert Grabherr - Gärtner, Studium der Landschaftsökologie und Lanschaftspflege
Nikolas Kirchner - Architekt; Junior Researcher der Technischen Uni Wien beim Vorschungsprojekt ‘Make your City (smart)’, in dem Erfahrungen der tBASE für eine urbane Baupraxis aufbereitet werden.
Paul Adrian Schulz - Architekt, Stroh- & Lehm-Fachbauer, Junior Researcher der TU-Wien und Mitentwickler des Projekts ‘Make your City (smart)’


The crowdfunding project has been successfully completed. Supporting and ordering is no longer available on Startnext.

  • The processing of orders placed will be handled directly by the project owners according to the stated delivery time.

  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

  • Cancellations and returns are subject to the terms and conditions of the respective project owner.

  • Revocations and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.

What does this mean? 
Legal notice
United Creations
Johann-Strauss-Gasse 33/3
1040 Wien Österreich

Verein: ZVR-Zahl 630315599


GEA / Waldviertler Schuhe

GEA unterstützt uns mit Gutscheinen im Gesamtwert von 210 € - Vielen Dank!

United Creations

- in Verbundenheit schöpferisch Leben -
der Trägerverein für die vienna.transitionBASE

TAU - Magazin

Magazin für Barfusskultur

TAU sponsort Abos und Hefte für uns, neue Ausgabe 'Gegenwartsfähigkeit' erscheint am 15. Juni 2016 !

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vienna.transitionBASE - infrastructure for change
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