Crowdfunding since 2010

It melts, it's delicious - and it's 100% plant-based & organic. The cheese of the future is finally here!

Dear cheese lover, we have set out on a great mission for you: We have developed an irresistibly delicious cheese. Whether sliced or shredded, Viva la Faba is entirely plant-based and free from unnecessary additives and preservatives. Our secret ingredient? The faba bean - a superhero that scores with taste, important nutrients and has high protein content. Together with you, we are revolutionizing the future of cheese! #itsneverbeansocheesy.
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Funding period
1/27/24 - 4/30/24
Summer 2024
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 10,500 €

You will support the production of our first three varieties (mild slices, intensivo slices and the mild shreds) using only high-quality organic ingredients.

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Primary sustainable development goal
Climate action
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Launch Day
600 €

What is this project all about?

Over the past three years, we have developed a revolutionary plant-based cheese. It is not only delicious and melts, but is also particularly good for our planet. We have tested hundreds of proteins and ingredients in thousands of trials. We've had enough of cheese substitutes full of modified starches, aromas and additives. We are pioneers in using organic faba beans to create plant-based cheese. The faba bean, known since the Stone Age, has unfortunately been somewhat forgotten in recent times. We've rediscovered its potential! Faba beans benefit soil health, capturing CO2 and nitrogen, and enhancing ecological diversity!

This is what makes our plant-based cheese so special:

  • Super tasty: over 6,000 people have tried our plant-based cheese in tastings so far and the feedback has been amazing!
  • No artificial additives and aromas: no complicated ingredient lists, just honest, good and high-quality organic ingredients.
  • More protein: With 8% protein content, we are real pioneers in the field of plant-based organic cheese.
  • Allergen-free: Our products are free from allergens such as nuts, soy and gluten!
  • Organic: All varieties are certified organic. In this way, we support regenerative, organic agriculture.
  • Less saturated fatty acids: Our shredded cheese, which doesn't have coconut oil, has up to 90% less saturated fats than cheese made from cow's milk.
  • 100% plant-based: All our products are purely plant-based and will also carry the V-label in future.
  • Up to 75% less CO2: Our preliminary study shows that Viva la Faba emits up to 75% less CO2. A carbon footprint as small as a faba bean!

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

Viva la Faba is for everyone who has been waiting a long time for a plant-based cheese that tastes good, melts and makes you happy! For everyone who cares about animal welfare and our planet. For everyone who pays attention to a healthy diet and likes to try new things. We offer you the opportunity to try the plant-based cheese of the future. Viva la Faba is not just any cheese alternative, it's the future!

We have created a delicious plant-based cheese that both cheese lovers and vegans love. At the same time, we care for the environment and our community. Our focus is on using high-quality organic ingredients. Through Viva la Faba, we believe we can make a positive impact in the world, together.

Our goals:

  • Nothing less than challenging the status quo of the food industry!
  • Reduce the environmental footprint of our food system and maximize our impact by prioritizing local and sustainable ingredients.
  • To build a company, that is focused on more than just profit. We want to work together, share ideas, support each other and continuously learn and grow - while making great plant-based cheese.
  • Helping farmers across Europe to transition from livestock to faba beans by building supply chains and creating new income opportunities.

Why would you support this project?

Supporting Viva la Faba means that you are part of something special. It's not just about plant-based cheese; it's about a dream that thrived even in tough times. To build a sustainable business that makes a difference!

We got started three years ago in our University kitchen and faced huge challenges, struggling to continue operations without capital funding, and supply issues during the pandemic. But we didn't give up. So for us, Viva la Faba's cheese, made from organic faba beans, is more than food. Your support helps bring a dream to life, while also getting the chance to try the most delicious and kind plant-based cheese out there before it gets to the supermarkets!

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

If the financing is successful, we can produce Viva la Faba on a larger scale and then deliver it directly to your home. We are also planning to expand our range. Among other things, we are already working on a plant-based pasta topping!

Who are the people behind the project?

We are Ariana and Jan, the founders of Viva la Faba. We love cheese and we are driven by our passion for an organic, fair and healthy food system. However, we are not alone on our journey. That would be almost impossible, so a huge thank you is due to our fantastic team: Lisa, Isa, Jessica, Gregor, Marion and Kira. Together we are revolutionizing the cheese world!

And now let's not forget the behind-the-scenes heroes of our journey: Thanks to...

  • Our families for their unconditional support.
  • Our coaches, fellow founders, mentors and professors, for their ideas and endless encouragement.
  • Our friends and roommates, for their patience and putting up with our constant kitchen takeovers and constant support.
  • The talented creative minds who helped us create all the illustrations, videos, and photographs, and proofread our texts.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support!
Ariana & Jan

Viva la Faba

What are the sustainable development goals of this project?

Primary sustainable development goal

Climate action

Why does this project contribute to this goal?

When you switch from dairy gouda cheese to our faba bean cheese, you're making a big environmental impact by reducing emissions. Compared to dairy cheese, our carbon footprint is up to 75% lower (we will publish a study with exact numbers soon!). We're committed to sourcing all raw materials from Germany and Europe if available. Through programs like Future Climate Pioneers and Climate Founders, we've gained the knowledge and tools needed to achieve net-carbon neutrality by 2025.

This project also pays toward those goals

Sustainable consumption
Legal notice
Viva la Faba GmbH
Ariana Alva Ferrari
Möckmühler Str.12
70435 Stuttgart Deutschland
USt-IdNr.: DE345457001

4/2/24 - Großartige Neuigkeiten sind gerade...

Großartige Neuigkeiten sind gerade eingetroffen! Wir verlängern unsere Crowdfunding-Frist und fügen sehr bald 3 aufregende neue Dankeschöns hinzu! Wir werden euch schon sehr bald die Details verraten, denn es ist wirklich ein großer Meilenstein. Vielen Dank für all deine Unterstützung und eure netten Worte. Das alles ist für euch, unsere lieben Viva la Faba-Fans!

3/4/24 - Danke für eure großartige Unterstützung! Es...

Danke für eure großartige Unterstützung! Es bedeutet uns unglaublich viel zu sehen, dass so viele Menschen an unsere harte Arbeit der letzten vier Jahre glauben! Wir verlängern die Frist unseres Crowdfundings noch etwas, um noch mehr Unterstützer*innen die Möglichkeit zur Vorbestellung zu geben. Je mehr Vorbestellungen wir für unseren Käse sammeln, desto größer unser Impact! Gemeinsam schaffen wir es, die erste große Produktion unseres Faba-Käses im Sommer zu realisieren!

2/1/24 - Nach dem tollen Start unserer Kampagne möchten...

Nach dem tollen Start unserer Kampagne möchten wir noch mehr Menschen die Möglichkeit zu geben, unseren Faba-Käse vorzustellen. Außerdem können wir durch die Verlängerung an einem Pitch-Wettbewerb von Startnext teilnehmen und so ein Co-Funding für unser Projektes zu gewinnen!

Viva la Faba – The future of cheese is made from beans
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