Crowdfunding since 2010

Launch Day Show 

Apply for the show

Do you want to launch your project by the next Launch Day and of course present it at the Launch Day Show? Then sign up. You can apply by booking a free pitch slot. The pitches are always recorded on Wednesdays for the show on Thursdays.

Book your pitch slot

Apply for the show

Attempted fraud

Like & comment manipulation, e.g. through purchasing, leads to exclusion from the competition.

We will check this in our own way before announcing the winners.

You want to launch your project at the next Launch Day and of course you want to present it at the Launch Day Show? Then apply. Application deadline is every week Wednesday 10.00 am.

Conditions of participation

  • You have a legitimate project on Startnext (only possible from the launch phase!)
  • Your project is in the launch phase at the latest on the Wednesday before Launch Day (so that it can go online automatically)
  • Your project starts on Launch Day at the latest at 6 p.m.
  • The application form via the pitch booking process is completely filled out.
  • You produce your pitch yourself and deliver it by 10 a.m. on Wednesday at the latest (before the show).
  • After consultation we may record a short interview (5 min.)
  • Our team decides whether we will accept your pitch for the show. You will be informed in time before the show.
  • From the broadcast of the show on Thurs. 6 p.m., you have to advertise for likes on your pitch. All likes on the posts/videos posted by Startnext on: Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, LinkedIn, Tiktok - the Likes will be added up by us from Monday 10am. The legal process is excluded. It is possible that videos on ext. platforms are not played or blocked. Unfortunately Startnext has no influence on this.
  • The winning project will be assigned the cofunding on his project on Monday 18:00.
  • The show will take place if at least 5 projects pitch, max. 15 projects will be admitted.
  • The amount of cofunding depends on the number of projects. Per project we give 100€ into the pot, but maximum 1.000€.
  • The winning project is required to be available for an online interview appointment between 2pm-4pm. In the Launch Day Recap, the results will be made public, the project will be celebrated and interviewed. The video will appear on Youtube.

* Criteria for inclusion in the show:

  • your pitch is understandable, clear, short (60 sec.)
  • your pitch contains your call to action to support your project + leave a like on the post for cofunding
  • you, possibly your team are visible in the pitch
  • your project is ready for launch
  • your project meets our guidelines
  • your project is valuable for the community (private funding will not be accepted for the pitch)