Crowdfunding since 2010

A game that provides opportunities for conversation and celebrates that which unites us all: our diversity.

We'llcome! Bing({'})h is played like regular bingo. Instead of numbers, the game features cuntastic motifs, each representing a nickname for vulva from around the globe. Affectionately painted and selected from over 180 nicknames collected so far. Bing({'})h is a playful artistic anthropology of sexual representation in language and image that questions taboos in representation and discourse of sexuality. All whilst laughing, marveling, researching, puzzling and learning.
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Funding period
11/1/20 - 11/30/20
12/2020 - 01/2020
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 4,000 €

Wow! Thanks to your amazing support, the first printed Bing({'})h version Vol .0 is now a reality. Made & paid with ♥ in Berlin

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Hi Yoniverse, I'm Bing({'})h! | Hallo Yoniverse! Ich bin Bing({'})h!

Mona Orgel
Mona Orgel2 min Lesezeit

{EN below <3}
Hallo Bing({'})h!
Darf ich dir das wunderbarste Yoniverse ever vorstellen, dass dich geboren hat, dein Vol. 0 <3

Liebstes Yoniverse!
Darf ich euch Bing({'})h vorstellen, frisch geschlüpft und seit Freitag/Samstag früh auf dem Weg zu euch, bereit & willens euch unzählige vergnügliche Spiel-, Lern- & Schmunzel-Momente zu bereiten.

Mit dabei Mona, die deine Geburt mit Glitzer feiert, aber tatsächlich immer noch nicht glauben kann, dass das alles echt echt ist Und die jetzt endlich verrät, welche kleine Überraschung wir für euch vorbereitet haben: Wir konnten es nicht lassen und haben das 2te Fundingziel trotzdem produzieren lassen <3.

Eure Bing({'})h's kommen also zu euch in einer famösen Ohlala-Umverpackung aus faszinierenden Graspapier (also wirklich Papier aus Gras ^_^). Dazu haben wir euch, dank der Unterstützung von Hebamen & Frauenärzt*innen, ein Vulva-Poster gestaltet mit ein paar lecker Vulva-Weisheiten, das euch hoffentlich so vergnügt, wie uns.

Last but not least: Bitte wundert euch nicht, nachdem die Verpackungen tatsächlich nicht rechtzeitig ankommen konnten, haben wir etwas improvisieren müssen und Verpackungen gebastelt. Wir hoffen die Babys kommen alle gut bei euch an!

Von ganzem Herzen : DANKE! IHR SEID Fotzüglich
Mona & die Bing({'})h Bande <3

Hello #BingOh!

My I introduce you to the most wonderful yoniverse who gave birth to you, your Vol .0.

Dearest yoniverse! May I introduce you to Bing({‘})h, who is on its way to you & cunt wait to give you countless pleasurable moments.

And Mona who is celebrating you birth with some glitter, but, indeed, still can’t believe that this is all real
And who now finally reveals what little surprise we have prepared for you: We couldn't resist & have the 2nd funding goal produced anyway <3 .

So your Bing({'})h's cums to you in a famously ohlala-game package made from fascinating grass paper (really, paper made from grass ^_^). In addition, thanks to the support of midwives & gynaecologists, we have designed a vulva poster for you with some yummy vulva wisdom, which we hope will give you as much pleasure as it gave us.

Last but not least: Please don't be surprised, after the packaging actually couldn't arrive in time, we had to improvise a bit and made some packaging. We hope the babys all arrive safely!

From the buttom of our heart: THANK YOU! YOU ARE Fotzüglich!
Mona & the Bing({'})h gang <3

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Bing({'})h – The Vulva Bingo Game Vol .0
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