Crowdfunding since 2010
This documentary film provides a deep insight into today's roots reggae scene in Jamaica. What is this music and culture which is currently experiencing a new uprising all about? Join this journey to Kingston and feel the spirit of rising consciousness in this exciting time, meet artists and activists of the Reggae Revival movement as well as protagonists of the elder generation explaining what roots reggae music and culture is all about from their personal point of view!
Funding period
11/13/13 - 12/22/13
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
8,900 €
Movie / Video
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Gentleman singt für Roots and Culture!

Oliver Becker
Oliver Becker1 min Lesezeit

Deutschlands erfolgreichster Reggaekünstler Gentleman unterstützt unseren Film 'Roots and Culture'! Er und seine Band The Evolution haben uns ein ganz besonderes Dankeschön für euren Support zur Verfügung gestellt! Einfach rechts in der Spalte 'Dankeschöns' stöbern...

Germany's most successful reggae artist Gentleman supports our film 'Roots and Culture'! Gentleman and his band The Evolution provided a very special reward for your support! Just check the 'reward' section on the right side of this page...

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