Crowdfunding since 2010

We save perfectly edible food from being wasted and offer it at a discount online or in our food outlet store in Berlin

Half of all food in Europe is wasted, a large portion of which is still edible. SirPlus, together with the food industry, is revolutionizing the saving of food. We sell surplus food in Berlin's first food outlet store, via our same-day delivery service in Berlin, and online with delivery across Germany. Let's make food saving mainstream and increase the appreciation of food! Help us - every contribution counts!
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Funding period
4/19/17 - 7/18/17
July - November 2017
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
50,000 €
Social Business
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1,717 Supporter

Karin Thomas
Karin Thomas
Judith Pillwein
Judith Pillwein
Titus Müller-Wolff
Titus Müller-Wolff
Verena Lambrecht
Verena Lambrecht
Anke Ritzmann
Anke Ritzmann
Franziska Mehrbach
Franziska Mehrbach
Caroline Erdmann
Caroline Erdmann
Katarina Walter
Katarina Walter
Lisa Blümmel
Lisa Blümmel
Nele Nopper
Nele Nopper
Max Schelker
Max Schelker
Julia Beinhauer
Julia Beinhauer
anonymous supports: 472
SirPlus - the food outlet shop with delivery
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