Crowdfunding since 2010

With your support I'd like to realize my second solo album

Hello and welcome! I'm Tokunbo, singer and songwriter. You may know me from TokTokTok. Or from my solo debut 'Queendom Come' which I released three years ago. With your support I would like to realise my second solo album 'The Swan'. I have written new songs and I can't wait to share them with you!
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Funding period
11/10/17 - 1/7/18
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 8,000 €

My first funding goal will enable me to cover a few of the upcoming larger costs: mix & mastering, photo shoot, artwork &copyright license.

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Save the Date! 16th Feb. 2018 Record Release!!!

Tokunbo Akinro
Tokunbo Akinro2 min Lesezeit


Hello dear friends,

a week has passed since the end of my crowdfunding project and I would like to update you on the goings-on!
Due to the relentless work of my team we have been able to keep up with the planned timing of the release of my album which will be only weeks from now:

You will receive 'The Swan' on 16th February!!!

A lot of exciting things are happening, we are working on the release in France, Spain and Portugal. More tour dates are being booked and first interviews with the press are taking place for the album.

And of course, I am working on those handmade goodies for you!

As I am going through the list - which I only received after the project was successfully completed - I can now see who ordered what and I am so touched at your generosity. Thank you all again!

Much love,


Liebe Freunde,

nun ist eine Woche vergangen seit dem Ende meines Crowdfunding-Projekts und ich habe tolle Neuigkeiten: mein Team und mein Vertrieb waren an allen Enden fleißig, so dass mein Album wie geplant im Februar veröffentlicht wird!

Ihr werdet 'The Swan' am 16. Februar in Händen halten!!!

Viele aufregende Dinge passieren gerade, wir arbeiten ferner an der Veröffentlichung in Frankreich, Spanien und Portugal, weitere Konzerte werden gebucht und erste Interviews zum Album finden statt.

Und natürlich arbeite ich schon an Euren handgemachten Dankeschöns.

Gerade gehe ich die Liste durch, die mir erst nach Projektabschluss übermittelt wurde, und sehe nun endlich Details darüber, wer was bestellt hat. Ich bin zutiefst berührt von Eurer Großzügigkeit und möchte mich noch einmal herzlich bedanken!

Schöne Grüße,

ON TOUR 2018:
16|03|18 Münster, Münster Music Days mit Jan Löchel
13|04|18 Berlin, A-Trane
14|04|18 Berlin, A-Trane
03|05|18 Bremen, Radio Bremen Radiosessions
04|05|18 Hannover, Pavillon
11|05|18 Karlsruhe, Tempel
12|05|18 Freiburg, Jazzhaus
more info at

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  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

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