Crowdfunding since 2010

This is not another refugee and migration story. With over 35,000 deaths, we are in urgent need of showing the bigger picture of the EU border system.

With the vast number of over 35,000 dead human beings growing, we are in urgent need of creating a film that shows the bigger picture of the EU border story. Our aim is to create a 120-minute film that will show that the approach on border management through increasing border security is failing. We will give a voice to the people who have thought about alternative, humane solutions that would prevent new emergencies and deaths from happening over and over again.
Funding period
2/23/18 - 5/24/18
Spring 2019
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 12,500 €

Talk to experts within Europe; Archive material licences; Post-production

Freiburg im Breisgau
Movie / Video
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Vortrag in Berlin am Di, 24.4

Corinna Rauer
Corinna Rauer1 min Lesezeit

Liebe Unterstützer*innen aus Berlin,

wir feuen uns, wenn wir euch bei unserem Vortag im Impact Hub um 19Uhr (Friedrichstraße 246) diesen Dienstag persönlich kennenlernen dürfen.

Corinna und Dschafar

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Beyond Borders - Documentary
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