Crowdfunding since 2010

We want to create a prime example of mobility change and foster the finest bike path in the world in the heart of Berlin: safe, comfy and covered.

Extending 9 km through the German capital, Radbahn is a cyclist’s dream come true. It’s a project for Berliners, lovers of Berlin, and anyone interested in making cities more bike friendly and less polluted. Its realization would be an important sign of shift towards more sustainable mobility in German cities. But is it feasible? Yes! We, in cooperation with multiple experts, we have even written a study to prove it. Help us make Radbahn a reality: let’s convince the politicians on the project!
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Funding period
7/10/17 - 8/28/17
Fall 2017
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
17,000 €
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Radbahn - we build the best bike path in the world
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