Crowdfunding since 2010

Become my new albums Godmother & Godfather!

What the world needs now are songs of joy and confidence. My new album is an anchor of hope in these challenging times – full of faith and life!
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Funding period
4/30/21 - 6/13/21
February 2022
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 20,000 €

Covers musician fees, studio recordings, mix & mastering, artwork, manufacturing & PR

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60% in nur 7 Tagen!!!

Tokunbo Akinro
Tokunbo Akinro2 min Lesezeit

English version below.

Nun haben wir in so kurzer Zeit schon über die Hälfte der Summe erreicht, Ihr seid einfach großartig!

Tausend Dank.

Besonders habe ich mich gefreut, dass das Klarinetten-Feature einen Paten gefunden hat!

Jetzt heißt es dranbleiben, den Schwung behalten und mit diesem Aufwind über die nächste Hürde segeln, um in die Produktion starten zu können – denn es gilt ja das Alles-oder-Nichts-Prinzip!

Mit meiner Fotografin Anne de Wolff habe ich indes diese Woche über die Albumgrafik gebrainstormt und freue mich darauf, Euch zu gegebener Zeit zum Shooting mitnehmen zu können.

Den Muttertag durfte ich in der Hängematte im Garten begehen, das tat gut...

Euch einen wunderbaren Wochenstart.
Herzliche Grüße,



What a great start we've had! We made it to 40% within the first 24 hours! And now, after seven days, we're already at 60%!

Thank you so much!

I am especially delighted that the clarinet feature has been sold.

I'd love to keep the momentum going in order to hopefully soon be able to start the production. So do share my music with your friends.

Meanwhile, I had a brainstorming session this week about the artwork for the album with my photographer Anne de Wolff and I can't wait to take you with me when we do the shooting.

Wishing all mothers a Happy Mother's Day. I spent the day in the hammock in the garden – so lovely.

Wishing you a great start to the week.
Warmest regards,

The crowdfunding project has been successfully completed. Supporting and ordering is no longer available on Startnext.

  • The processing of orders placed will be handled directly by the project owners according to the stated delivery time.

  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

  • Cancellations and returns are subject to the terms and conditions of the respective project owner.

  • Revocations and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.

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5/1/21 - Danke!!!! Ich bin ganz fassungslos, am ersten...


Ich bin ganz fassungslos, am ersten Tag fast 40% der Summe!

Ihr seid unglaublich!

Das Album rückt wirklich in greifbare Nähe und

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TOKUNBO's Album #3
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