Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Have you ever wondered why it is that hard to find information around women’s health? We are building a platform to change this together with you!

Have you ever wondered why it is that hard to find information around women’s health? For a long time, the female body hasn't been considered the norm, but a 'too complicated' version of the male body. This has affected the knowledge we have about women's health. We think it is time to change this. In A Woman's Body wants to completely transform the experience women have when seeking information about menstrual, sexual, and reproductive health, and how it is delivered.
03.11.21 - 12.12.21
1 year
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 20.000 €

Building our platform with articles and courses to transform women’s health!

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In A Woman's Body – the new platform for women's health

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