Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Alioune Diop

Deutschland / München

It was a hot summer in 2005 when the Munich underground gave birth to its newest child going by the name "Rote Sonne". The club's been standing its subcultural grounds since then to give shelter to all lovers of electronic music in all its varied shades. Formed and shaped by some of the original founders of the dearly departed Ultraschall, Munich's first and foremost institution of electronic music, the club keeps raising bars when it's about being on the ball of a certain feeling of Zeitgeist while staying true to its cultural and musical roots. From three-days-lasting Techno raves to Japanese drum ensembles, from Psychedelic music festivals to performance theater, from movie screenings to queer Indietronic parties - there are few performative grounds this club hasn't taken yet. And yet there's so much more to explore. To quote DJ Sprinkles: "House isn't so much a sound as a situation".

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