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A Celebration of contemporary Art from Bishkek to Berlin

An international art festival on the theme of migration with a focus on Central Asia. The "Berlin Bishkek Art Weeks" will be taking place in Berlin Kreuzberg from May 12 - May 28, 2023. Organized by a group of young creative artists from Berlin, the project aims to counter the European migration debate with dialogue, exchange, and international solidarity through a diverse and varied program. But above all, with a great deal of art and culture.
23.03.23 - 11.04.23
12-28. Mai 2023
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Worum geht es in dem Projekt?

An international art festival on the theme of migration with a focus on Central Asia.

The "Berlin Bishkek Art Weeks" will be taking place in Berlin Kreuzberg from May 12 - May 28, 2023. Organized by a group of young creative artists from Berlin, the project aims to counter the European migration debate with dialogue, exchange, and international solidarity through a diverse and varied program. But above all, with a great deal of art and culture.

Date: Opening May12th // Closing May 28th 2023
Location: Prinzessinnenstraße 21-24 / 10969 Berlin

Pandion as space facilitator

A celebration of contemporary art from Berlin to Bishkek
#workshops #panel talks #concerts #party’s

"We want to make a statement against the current shift to the right in Europe," says co-founder of the project and photographer Louise Amelie. The art festival thus actively campaigns for global civil rights and against nationalist tendencies. The goal is to create a platform that encourages visitors to participate in the discussion actively. A wide variety of artistic and multidimensional perspectives invite visitors to engage with the topic.

In addition to the social and political relevance, a young, up-and-coming, and almost unknown art scene will be presented. "The focus on Central Asia, a region that from a Western perspective still represents a blind spot on the world map, should help to broaden the Eurocentric view on the topic of migration and to learn from each other," says Andreas Bauer, curator of the Berlin Bishkek Art Weeks. "A fireworks display of art and culture, dialogue, exchange, and festive encounters is intended to put the topic in a positive light, to stimulate rethinking, and to provide approaches to solutions - or at least fantastic conversation material, the curator adds. The intercultural and interdisciplinary art exhibition, which deals with the topic of transnational migration in a serious and critical, but also young and uncomplicated way, is only one part of a large project for the exchange between two cultural regions and especially between the two countries Kyrgyzstan and Germany.

The venue for the event is an old cab yard on Moritzplatz, which has been won for intermediate cultural use and will now become a place for encounters.

Darya Nesterova, social worker and the second founder of the project states: "Every new beginning comes first and foremost from young people, it's about the commonalities in the struggle for a global future. It is about the beauty and aesthetics of the Central Asian world - in the midst of crisis and war, we want to start a conversation."

Supporting program:

Exhibition with Central Asian + Berlin-based Artists (15 artists from Kyrgyzstan are present), Publication of the Photobook "Missing Member "by Louise Amelie , Panel discussions, Workshops, Dance Performances, Concerts and Sound Sessions, OpenAir Cinema/Movie Screenings, Grand opening with the party, Art auction and much more.

This intercultural art project in the form of a multi-media exhibition aims to critically engage with the issue of migration and advocates, anti-racism, and transnational solidarity. In Europe, we observe an increasing fear of the seemingly "foreign", reflected in the rise of right-wing parties. We want to counter this trend with a left position that advocates for global civil rights and opposes a national-social logic.

Why Kyrgyzstan in particular?

By focusing on migration movements in the Central Asian region, we aim to broaden the audience's view and move away from Eurocentrism when it comes to migration. Focusing on a small, mostly neglected country like Kyrgyzstan acts as a magnifying glass, revealing general structural problems of migration.

Backgrounds and the Whole Story gladly on request ;)
For more information visit

Was sind die Ziele und wer ist die Zielgruppe?


Statistics show that every family in Kyrgyzstan is affected by migration, so the phenomenon of migration is perceived as a normality rather than as a way to mitigate poverty risks. Migration can help to break out of restrictive traditions, to dare more personal freedoms, and, above all, offers financial security.

In European discourse, migration always appears as an aberration, a problem from which we must be protected. The EU's borders have become increasingly militarized. In the media, migration is portrayed as a humanitarian crisis on the EU's borders, in the waters of the Mediterranean, or in reception facilities where refugees are held in scandalous conditions to keep the "masses" from coming to Europe. Rarely do migrants appear beyond criminalization or victimization as self-determined actors in the migration regime, challenging nation-state institutions and creating new social structures through their struggles.

History shows that progressive change always starts with young people. With this project, we are addressing how the current (post-Soviet) generation (of 25-30-year-olds) in Kyrgyzstan sees its own past, present and future, how these perspectives relate to migration, and the transnational networks that have developed in recent decades.

Underrepresented voices and experiences can be included in the discourse on issues of migration as a global phenomenon.

Through party´s, panel discussions, and lively exchange of art and culture, we dare to look beyond our own horizons to learn from each other and broaden our perspectives. We want to initiate an exchange of experiences between Kyrgyz living in Germany and in Kyrgyzstan and Berlin artists.

Warum sollte jemand dieses Projekt unterstützen?


The project combines artistic, curatorial, and art education elements while pursuing a political and educational agenda. In addition to Louise Amelie's photo book, artworks by various Kyrgyz artists will be presented. Amongst them are paintings, production designs, sculptures and performances.

We intend to involve other associations that actively promote the rights of migrants in Germany and take gender issues into account. In addition to political education, we also want to make the new and fresh momentum of the art scene visible and tangible, which is currently evident in the capital of Kyrgyzstan. Through the project, we want to give people the opportunity to discover the beauty and aesthetics of the country and create space for encounters.

In this way, we want to achieve further cooperation between German-Kyrgyz artists by bringing together and linking new connections and transnational networks.

We strive to present Kyrgyzstan from different perspectives and look for commonalities rather than differences to discuss key issues and problems of globalization and growing poverty that affects us all. We want to give Kyrgyz artists a platform for their diverse voices, which are rarely heard in Berlin and the rest of the world.

Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung?

There will be a total of 15 Kyrgyz artists for 3 weeks in Berlin for which we have to pay accommodation and food. In addition, we need to provide meals for the Berlin artists and the team that will work voluntarily for one month.
The location needs reconstruction and additional exhibition space for all artists. Furthermore materials for the art itself are needed which are specially made for the exhibition.
Over a period of one month, there will be helpers on site who will work on a voluntary basis.
However, positions such as security, drywall construction or disposal of garbage are costs that we can not outsource.

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?


In the summer of 2021, Louise Amelie (Photographer) and Darja A. Nesterowa (M.A. Social Worker) produced a photo documentary cofunded by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Berlin. The work focused on labor migration and the fact that families in Kyrgyzstan are being torn apart due to high migration (mainly to Russia).

During their stay, Louise Amelie and Darja Nesterowa collected a variety of materials. In addition to visual material, numerous Interviews were conducted and together they form the key elements around which the planned exhibition project in May 2023 will develop. As part of the exhibition, a photo book will be published, which, in addition to Louise Amelie's photographs, will also contain a literary text section dealing with the phenomenon of migration, thematically supervised by Darja A. Nesterowa.

During the stay in 2021, contacts were made with people who want to stay in their homeland despite the difficult living conditions.

Louise Amelie and Darja A. Nesterowa met people who are active in the young art scene of Bishkek. These artists want to support the development of their country with progressive and innovative ideas. In collaboration with Kyrgyz artists, we now want to bring the topic of migration to Berlin in a two-week project and make it accessible to a wider audience.


Project Mommys: Louise Amelie & Darja A. Nesterowa // Production: STUDIO KOA // Head of Production: Keshia Luna Biedermann // Curator: Andreas Bauer // Exhibition Space Concept: Anastasia Bettin & Mascha Arnold // Corporate Design: Olivia Rynkiewicz // Logo Design: Sultan Jum // Sound Design: Jonas Briere


Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation // VG-Bildkunst // Phase One // Hatje Cantz // Artco Gallery // thxagain // Stiftung für West-Östliche Begegnungen // Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient // 17 HEROES e.V. // KYD Berlin // Hostel Ballhaus Ost // Novastan, // Stiftungsverein Bildung-Initiative-Zusammenarbeit e.V. (BiZ)

Welche Nachhaltigkeitsziele verfolgt dieses Projekt?

Primäres Nachhaltigkeitsziel

Weniger Ungleichheit

Warum zahlt das Projekt auf dieses Ziel ein?

We intend to involve other associations that actively promote the rights of migrants in Germany and take gender issues into account.
We strive to present Kyrgyzstan from different perspectives and look for commonalities rather than differences to discuss key issues and problems of globalization and growing poverty that affects us all. We want to give Kyrgyz artists a platform for their diverse voices, which are rarely heard in Berlin and the rest of the world.

Dieses Projekt zahlt außerdem auf diese Ziele ein


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Was heißt das?
Benjamin Merten
Frobenstr. 1
10783 Berlin Deutschland
USt-IdNr.: DE297876672

THX AGAIN gemeinnützige UG (haftungsbeschränkt)

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