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Two genre-defying guitar players have joined hands to tell unique stories through their instruments, using the universal language of music.

We are Karlijn Langendijk (NL) & Ladislav Pazdera (CZ) and Meraki is our upcoming duo album with acoustic guitar music. The word Meraki means doing something with a lot of love and putting a piece of yourself in your work. And that's exactly what composing music means to us both. We've been working together on these compositions for the last two years and we believe they are finally ready to be shared with all of you. Give them a listen, we hope you would like them.
08.10.19 - 27.10.19
December 2019
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 6.000 €

Our first goal is to raise funds for the essentials: recording studio costs, mixing, mastering, CD pressing, artwork designing, GEMA costs & delivery costs.

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Meraki – Stories told in tones and colours

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