Crowdfunding since 2010

With your support I'd like to realize my second solo album

Hello and welcome! I'm Tokunbo, singer and songwriter. You may know me from TokTokTok. Or from my solo debut 'Queendom Come' which I released three years ago. With your support I would like to realise my second solo album 'The Swan'. I have written new songs and I can't wait to share them with you!
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Funding period
11/10/17 - 1/7/18
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 8,000 €

My first funding goal will enable me to cover a few of the upcoming larger costs: mix & mastering, photo shoot, artwork &copyright license.

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On Tour 2018 with my Band!

Tokunbo Akinro
Tokunbo Akinro1 min Lesezeit

Dear friends,

I am super excited to announce the first tour dates for 2018!
We're so looking forward to presenting the songs from 'The Swan' live to you!
There is a limited number of tickets available here on my project site (check out '2 x guestlist'). See tour dates below.

By the way, the sponge bag 'The Swan' is now available for order again after having sold out last week.

As ever, thank you for sharing my project with your mates!


Liebe Freunde,

ich freue mich, die ersten Konzerte für 2018 bekannt geben zu können. Wir können es kaum erwarten, Euch die Songs von 'The Swan' live zu präsentieren!

Ein begrenztes Kartenkontingent ist hier auf meiner Projektseite erhältlich (unter '2 x Gästelistenpläte')
Konzerttermine s.u.

Übrigens kann man, nachdem sie letzte Woche ausverkauft war (toll!), nun wieder die 'Swan'-Kulturtasche erwerben!

Vielen Dank fürs Weitersagen!

16|03|18 Münster
13|04|18 Berlin
14|04|18 Berlin
04|05|18 Hannover
11|05|18 Karlsruhe
12|05|18 Freiburg

photo credit: Thomas Bieg

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The crowdfunding project has been successfully completed. Supporting and ordering is no longer available on Startnext.

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  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

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