Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

- new technologies accessable for disadvantaged societies -

Go green with eMo Bodaboda! (e-mobility solutions in Tanzania) It seems like you want to change something in our world - just like we want to do! We want to introduce sustainable transport as well as to support the local society. Our target is to switch from petroil to electric power. No emissions and more worth for the society. First of all we focus on motorcycles (especially for motorbike taxis), the so called "bodabodas". We want give access to a new technology in Tanzania.
27.10.21 - 16.01.22
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 5.000 €

Your investment is the chance to start a progress of transformation. We want to give access to mobility, independence, employment, knowledge and expierence!

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Worum geht es in dem Projekt?

We are Techno Roads Eye (TRE), a Mobility as a Service company based in Dar Es Salaam Tanzania. The company intends to conduct business while conserving the environment by influencing the major shift of the motorcycle taxis commonly known as bodaboda, from the traditional fuel powered units to electric powered units. Our target for this campaign are 8 motorbikes for underpriviliged people, but with a minimum fund of 5.000 EUR we can already start with 2 units. These units are just for sustainable and empowerment issues. Special people (we choose together with the local government) can rent our eMos just for a symbolic price and use them. The charge is not for our revenues but for maintanance and energy costs.

Was sind die Ziele und wer ist die Zielgruppe?

We have three main targets for our crodfunding campaign:

1. We give some of our eMos to Tanzanian bodaboda drivers:
Bodaboda drivers have the chance to earn more money and to be more independent.

Electric bodabodas can save up to 60% of cost on energy and maintainance. This will help riders to have finally more money for their families and could be a way out of poverty!

2. We give some of our eMos to our partner Weedo:
Weedo is an organisation who is educating women, in particular about issues such as sexual violence, self-confidence and family planning, and by offering training in business skills and exposure to entrepreneurial activities. With our eMos the women can become independent and earn their own money. Electric motorbikes for women - that sounds like a revolution!

3. Protect Tanzania´s beautiful environment:
Unlike the petrol motorcycles, our eco-friendly Motorcycles will make the roads and our surroundings free from emission. No carbon fumes. There is no noise pollution either. Reducing emissions is a task all over the world– even in Africa!

Warum sollte jemand dieses Projekt unterstützen?

We spotted three possible target groups for our project:

1. People with interest in climate change and reducing emissions. Reducing emissions is a taks all over the world – also in Africa!

2. People with social and cultural interest, who want to support underpriviliged people. Even equality is a main issue for us. Therfor we included our partner Weedo, a NGO for women empowerment.

3. People with interest in new technologies like electric driving. The Future is electric. Also renewable energy must become bigger all over the world.

Of course we also try to provide our supporters little gifts for their support:
You become a member of our eMo-BodaBodoa team and get a special place on our donation board in the office in Kigamboni, Dar-es-Salaam. In Addition a member of the project will get in touch with you and will send you a personal message. For an higher amount you will receive an official eMo BodaBoda T-Shirt. Welcome on Board :-)

Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung?

We buy electric motorcycles, our so called eMos. We want to start with 2 eMos. Depending on your support we can afford more bikes.
These units are just for sustainable and empowerment issues
Special people can rent our eMos just for a symbolic price and use them. The charge is not for our revenues but for maintanance and energy costs.

1. We make our eMo BodaBoda available for selected girls/women. The women are chosen by our cooperation partner weedo. Though its work weedo has got many contacts and relationships to women who need support to become independet and earn their own money. Self-employed girls working as a bodaboda driver – sounds like a revolution!

2. We make our eMo BodaBoda available for selected boys/men (bodaboda drivers). The men are chosen by us in collaboration with the local government:
Working as a bodaboda driver is a hard employment and most money has to be paid for renting a motorbike. Togehter with the local government we are looking for men who can achieve with our emos financial independence.

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?

Erick Mome Morro || Benedikt Zelzer

Erick Mome Morro is Founder and CEO of the eMo Bodaboda Tanzania under a startup company called Techno Roads Eye Tanzania Co. Limited. He grew up in Dar Es Salaam. He went to University of Dar Es Salaam and graduated with a B.A. in Political Science and Sociology. He began his professional career by founding a local NGO called Talent Search and Empowerment –TSE- (2008). The NGO supports needy children and young people between the age of 6 and 20 years with a diverse range of educational and leisure activities in the capital city, Dar es Salaam. Erick lives both in Tanzania and Germany. With his startup company in Tanzania, Erick Mome is on a mission to be a part of people who want to create the world to be a better place. His vision is to give people of Tanzania the ability to build and bring their communities closer together through Mobility, Energy and Environment. He belives in innovation and it can be done through unity and cooperation between people from different nations and ethnics for the aim of create employment to the people and grow profitable businesses. The story behind the establishment of eMo Bodaboda began since 5 years ago. Erick Mome has been investigating and discuss with many Bobaboda riders about the problem of the business and mobility in Tanzania. Most of the fuel Bodaboda riders are experiencing financial and running costs problems such as high fuel cost which changes every month, high maintenance/operational costs and environmental pollution due to noise and gas emission. Therefore, the eMo Bodaboda is the solution for all problems mentioned above. _______________________________________________________ Benedikt Zelzer is working as a volunteer for TRE and initiator of the crowdfunding campaign. For him the chance to support local people on the one hand and improve sustainable mobility on the other hand is unique. Therefor he wants to create funding possibilities like this crowdfunding campaign to help the eMo Bodaboda making history!

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Go green with eMo Bodaboda
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