Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Crowdfunding for the new double-album "By Endurance We Conquer - Demons & Damnation" by the German Thrash Metal band "GumoManiacs".

Wir sind die Thrash Metal Band "GumoManiacs" aus Regensburg und nachdem die letzten Jahre für uns die Hölle waren, brauchen wir jetzt für unser neues Doppelalbum "By Endurance We Conquer - Demons & Damnation" eure Hilfe! Durch eure Vorbestellungen bezahlen wir die Pressung für die Doppel-CDs/Doppel-LPs. Erreichen wir das Ziel von 5000€ nicht, geht euer Geld wieder zu 100% an euch zurück und das Album wird Ende 2017 nur digital veröffentlicht.
24.04.17 - 04.06.17
Juni - Dezember 2017
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
5.000 €
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Crowdfunding End

Gumo Maniacs
Gumo Maniacs1 min Lesezeit

Dear Thrash Metal Maniacs!
On Sunday our crowdfunding campaign for our 10th anniversary double album "By Endurance We Conquer - Demons & Damnation" came to an end and unfortunately we did not reach our goal.
I want to thank all followers and supporters for spreading some hope in some of the darkest times of GumoManiacs history. YOU DID AN AMAZING JOB SUPPORTING CLASSIC THRASH METAL!!! I FUCKING LOVE YOU!
About the future:
Since I am used to dealing with trouble all my musician life, I won't back down and work my ass off the next weeks to find ways to release the album somehow. I cannot promise that the whole package including a double vinyl version will be possible immediately because of the disastrous financial situation, but I will give my very best to make something happen for us all!
And as long as you guys are with me and keep helping to spread the word about our band, my spirit won't fade!
We will never surrender! By Endurance We Conquer!

Thanks again to all supporters! GOOD JOB!!! Please stay tuned!

Daniel "Gumo" Reiß

Das Crowdfunding-Projekt war nicht erfolgreich und kann nicht mehr unterstützt werden.

  • Alle Bestellungen und Zahlungen wurden automatisch storniert und rückabgewickelt.
  • Du hast Fragen? Melde dich beim Startnext-Support-Team.
Was heißt das?
GumoManiacs GbR
Daniel Reiß
Ostheim 3
93055 Regensburg Deutschland

Steuer# 126/161/54107

29.05.17 - Some gear talk - who used what and why...

Some gear talk - who used what and why because...


03.05.17 - More information about the album production...

More information about the album production and our fight against the "Loudness War"...

03.05.17 - For those of you who wanted to know what...

For those of you who wanted to know what exactly happened to GumoManiacs in the last few years and why we're here starting this crowdfunding - this video is for you!!

Weitere Projekte entdecken

GumoManiacs 'By Endurance We Conquer' Double-Album
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