Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

We would like to produce & release the album-trilogy HOME + make a FILM showing the recording process which will take place all over this planet!

Hi there! Thank you for coming here. I value your time and an grateful for this opportunity to share something near and dear to me. A project of love that we hope will move, heal and inspire many in a world that needs positivity and a light tune to resonate with. I’m asking for your help and in exchange, I promise to put my mind, body and soul into this for you, and for the world to be able to heal.
08.12.17 - 08.03.18
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 11.000 €

By reaching 11 000€ we will be able to produce and release the Home-trilogy consisting of the three album 1.GOING 2.COMING HOME 3.HOME

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Was heißt das?
Das Musikatelier
Joscha Blachnitzky
Ringstrasse 15
29553 Bienenbüttel Deutschland

steuernummer 33/104/0427

Weitere Projekte entdecken

HOME-TRILOGIE (Albumproduktion & Film)

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