Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

"Death Obsessed"

HUMAN ABYSS crafted their next studio album "Death Obsessed". Building on the themes of their debut album "The Anatomy of Anxiety," the band created a visceral and intense listening experience that reflects the darkness and pain of a deeply abondend and traumatized existence. HUMAN ABYSS is an independent and interfronted band project. With your support, they can cover the costs of producing and promoting their work. Join them on this journey into the abyss and help bring their vision to life!
31.01.24 - 29.04.24
Album Release is on 21.03.2024
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 3.500 €

* Promotion and Marketing
* CD Digipack
* Vinyl 12" Gatefold
* Merchandise
* Music Video

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Das Crowdfunding-Projekt wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Das Unterstützen und Bestellen ist auf Startnext nicht mehr möglich.

  • Die Abwicklung getätigter Bestellungen erfolgt entsprechend der angegebenen Lieferzeit direkt durch die Projektinhaber:innen.

  • Die Produktion und Lieferung liegt in der Verantwortung der Projektinhaber:innen selbst.

  • Widerrufe und Rücksendungen erfolgen zu den Bedingungen der jeweiligen Projektinhaber:innen.

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Was heißt das?

11.04.24 - Hey Guys, first of all, guys that is insane!...

Hey Guys,
first of all, guys that is insane! You helped us so much already and we are immensely grateful for all your support!
We came to the decision to lower the final goal, cause our main goal was to finance the Vinyl! That goal is already reached, also the production of Death Obsessed was still a pricey adventure, so every EURO counts! Just 3 weeks left!

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