Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Manufacturing reusable, washable and biodegradable anti-viral face-masks for free distribution to combat COVID-19 crisis in Uganda.

Kimuli Fashionability transforms the plastic waste crisis in Africa into an inclusive eco-fashion label providing employment opportunities for disabled tailors and youth. Reacting to the current COVID-19 crisis in Uganda, we are manufacturing reusable, washable and biodegradable anti-viral face-masks as an alternative to single use plastic face masks. The outcome from purchases of eco-products helps in production of masks for free distribution to marginalized people affected by Corona virus.
27.04.20 - 20.06.20
June - December
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 3.000 €

By selling 15 up-cycled waterproof rain jackets, 30 dresses, 300 mask pieces and 100 bags and accessories we expect to raise the target goal.

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Worum geht es in dem Projekt?

Kimuli Fashionability transforms the plastic waste crisis in Africa into an inclusive eco-fashion label. We are providing employment opportunities for disabled tailors as creative tailors and youth as waste collectors through blending African fabrics with plastic polythene waste into durable, sustainable and waterproof garments and accessories.
To react to the current COVID-19 crisis in Uganda, we are manufacturing reusable, washable and biodegradable anti-viral facemasks as an alternative to single use face masks which are made of polypolethelen (plastic). 50% of the sales-outcome from purchases of our sustainable garments and accessories will help in production of masks. We are distributing the masks to local people affected by Corona virus for example local market vendors, healthy and other essential service providers.

Was sind die Ziele und wer ist die Zielgruppe?

Our overall goal is to raise (20,000 Euros) in sales of upcycled garments and accessories to cross-finance the production of over 50,000 masks to be distributed freely to local people in Uganda who are highly affected by COVID-19 mostly local market vendors, cargo truck drivers and essential service providers who works everyday amidst COVID-19 pandemic.

Warum sollte jemand dieses Projekt unterstützen?

Apart from environmental contribution due to up-cycling; 50% of sales will be used to produce reusable, biodegradable face-masks for free distribution to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in Uganda. In addition, 50 jobs will be created directly for persons with disabilities as creative tailors and youth as distributors.

Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung?

50% of sales will be used to produce reusable, biodegradable face-masks for free distribution and 50% will be used to finance our summer collection.

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?

Namujju Juliet; (Certified Fashion designer and founder Kimuli Fashionability)

Kiggundu Sairus; (Environmentalist, social entrepreneur and Director Kimuli Fashionability)

Nabaggala Agnes; (Tailor, cannot hear and talk)

Nabirye Zaharah; ( Tailor and production manager Kimuli Fashionability)


Das Crowdfunding-Projekt war nicht erfolgreich und kann nicht mehr unterstützt werden.

  • Alle Bestellungen und Zahlungen wurden automatisch storniert und rückabgewickelt.
  • Du hast Fragen? Melde dich beim Startnext-Support-Team.
Was heißt das?
plot 39 Mayembe Upper MPIGI
PO.BOX 35194 MPIGI Uganda

Namujju Juliet is the founder and team leader of Kimuli Fashionability.

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