Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Help print issue eight and secure the future of LOLA

LOLA Magazine celebrates the vibrant culture of Berlin. We have been completely independent from our inception, but right now the cultural industry is experiencing a crisis of incredible magnitude. The clients and supporters who would normally fund LOLA through advertising are either on hiatus or running on a greatly reduced capacity. To keep LOLA alive and to publish issue eight, we have decided to turn to the community for support.
13.11.20 - 15.12.20
December 2020
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 3.000 €

The funding raised will be used for the printing, postage and additional costs for LOLA Issue Eight.

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Worum geht es in dem Projekt?

The purpose of LOLA Magazine is to shine a light on the incredible cultural scene of Berlin. It focuses on music, art, film, sex life, and human interest. Culture is the way in which we express ourselves as humans and connect to each other, and it needs to be celebrated and protected. We believe that media should be both high quality and accessible, and for this reason we make LOLA available for free throughout Berlin. We use our platform to champion unsung heroes of the city alongside more established names.

Was sind die Ziele und wer ist die Zielgruppe?

LOLA is for readers who want to engage with and know more about the culture of Berlin, and to give valuable media support to the cultural producers of the city from all backgrounds – musicians, artists, community activists, sex workers, and more. Our goal is to raise enough funds to publish and distribute LOLA issue eight and to ensure the magazine continues to be as accessible as possible.

Warum sollte jemand dieses Projekt unterstützen?

This city is built on the work of musicians, artists, activists, filmmakers, dancers and creative people of all backgrounds and from all walks of life. By supporting LOLA you are ensuring that this culture continues to have a presence and a voice and that their work is being documented and disseminated. LOLA’s purpose is to support and promote the diverse culture of Berlin, and your support of this fundraiser makes that possible.

Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung?

The funds raised will be used for the printing and distribution costs of LOLA issue eight and as a contribution to the creative team behind the magazine. Without this fundraising initiative, another issue of LOLA is not possible. Successful funding will keep LOLA alive.

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?

LOLA is produced by a dedicated core team of five people and a wider network of talented freelancers. At this point, it should probably be mentioned that the magazine is named after a dog, so in essence the real chief is a cute black Labrador.

Das Crowdfunding-Projekt wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Das Unterstützen und Bestellen ist auf Startnext nicht mehr möglich.

  • Die Abwicklung getätigter Bestellungen erfolgt entsprechend der angegebenen Lieferzeit direkt durch die Projektinhaber:innen.

  • Die Produktion und Lieferung liegt in der Verantwortung der Projektinhaber:innen selbst.

  • Widerrufe und Rücksendungen erfolgen zu den Bedingungen der jeweiligen Projektinhaber:innen.

  • Widerrufe und Stornos über Startnext sind nicht mehr möglich.

Was heißt das?
LOLA Magazine
Jonny Tiernan
Görlitzer Straße 50
10997 Berlin Germany

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