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Ma(g)dalenas is an international network of women overcoming sexism, machismo and oppression through the Theater of the Oppressed.

International Feminist Theater of the Oppressed Festival "No Means No" in Berlin Germany, hosted by Madalena-Berlin.
25.04.17 - 25.05.17
13. - 17.09.2017
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
5.000 €
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Worum geht es in dem Projekt?

Ma(g)dalena International Network
Did you hear something about it?

It’s a network of feminist collectives who practice Theater of the Oppressed to overcome oppression, sexism and inequality in Latin America, in Africa, in Europe and also beginning in Asia.

The Ma(g)dalenas fight for equal rights, an end to violence, and the construction of a world free of patriarchy through artistic productions and concrete and continued socio-political actions.

Essential to this movement are regular meetings, political actions and theater festivals, where groups bring their local grassroots experiences and activist actions and share them in an international context.
We are inviting you into our network to join the movement!
Help support our Second International Festival to be hosted in Berlin, for Ma(g)dalenas from around the world to meet and exchange their experiences and theater.

The Ma(g)dalena Network has already experienced several successful meetings and seminars: in Berlin (Germany) 2012, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Buenos Aires (Argentina) in 2013 and La Paz (Bolivia) in 2014. In September 2015, organized by the Magdalena Puerto Madryn, the network had the amazing experience of their first International Festival, in Puerto Madryn, Patagonia Argentina. In January 2016, was launched the first Manifesto of the Network, in Matagalpa (Nicaragua). In June 2016, in Barcelona, the first European meeting happened. Ma(g)dalena Network feeds on exchanges and strengthens itself in actions and in sorority. Our next step is the Second International Festival in Berlin.

Was sind die Ziele und wer ist die Zielgruppe?

Over the past year, the group Madalena-Berlin have launched a Legislative Theatre campaign “NO means NO,” to create legislative change in regards to sexual violence, rape, and abuse. In this context, Madalena-Berlin has the great pleasure to inform the world: II Ma(g)dalena International Festival - “NO means NO” "Ending violence against women!” 13th to 17th of September 2017 - Berlin, Germany.

The objective of the festival is to celebrate the progress of our NETWORK, and to seek effective means to broaden the articulation between Ma(g)dalenas from around the world with concrete actions and examples of actions in each of our countries. For example : eleven Ma(g)dalenas groups in Latin America have been doing work with HIV-positive individuals...the festival is an incredible space to share these experiences, observations and to think for solutions for the present and future. We expect to welcome 100 women from all over the world in Berlin for the festival.

The festival will be grounded in workshops, in a wider understanding of Theater of the Oppressed, in “field examples” of work done by Ma(g)dalenas in their respective countries, and in performances of Forum Theater in the evening. Several lectures and Forum Theater performances will be open to the public, sharing the international network with the local community in Berlin. For an insight into the great grassroots work of Ma(g)dalenas in Berlin and around the world, look at our blog which hosts more than 30 different groups and their local projects:

Warum sollte jemand dieses Projekt unterstützen?

It is essential we have your support in solidarity. Ma(g)dalenas from South America, from Asia and from Africa have greater difficulties coming to the festival than those in Europe, because of the great distance and financial burden.
Our biggest challenge in the realization of this festival is finding enough financial solidarity to make it a reality - please, show your support with a donation and share our action with any and all who believe theater and artistic expression are essential democratic components in overcoming oppression.

Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung?

We are expecting to host 100 women here in Berlin for the festival. We want to offer them food, a place to sleep and local transport for the five-day duration of the festival . We are a network of grassroots organizations: we have no formal funding and no regular source of income. We need help to make non-European Ma(g)dalenas’ participation a possibility. We have the goal to host 100 participants in total. We need contributions that represent the value of women and allies fighting to overcome sexual violence and injustice. We are looking to you for support: for your solidarity to guarantee the local costs we have here in Berlin. With the award of your donations, we plan to allocate our money as follows:

*2000EUR for food: lunch during the workshop and dinner before or after Forum Theater performances in the evening
*1000EUR for accommodation: we will house Ma(g)dalenas between private homes and local hostels
*1000EUR for the event location
*500EUR for advertisement and materials for the festival: for posters, pamphlets, and banners
*500EUR for travel aid: Metro passes for Ma(g)dalenas to get around Berlin

We are determined to host this festival and the date is set. September 13 - 17 in Ufer Studios, in the neighbourhood of Wedding in Berlin.

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?

M(a)gdalena-Berlin is just one satellite group of a larger international Ma(g)dalena network of women overcoming sexism, machismo and oppression through the power of Theater of the Oppressed. With the current topic "NO MEANS NO!" Ma(g)dalenas-Berlin are inviting women from around the world to come to Berlin for an international theater festival in September 2017.

Below is a segment from our Ma(g)dalena Manifesto, written in 2015 in Puerto Madryn, Argentina.

*We fight against all forms of oppression, through the re-appropriation of artistic media and concrete and continued socio-political actions.
*We strive to conquer our sexual and (non-) reproductive rights
*We strive to break hetero-patriarchal stereotypes
*We strive to end privilege and to be free, but also to recognize our own privileges and to work towards transforming them
*We strive to create new forms of relating to each other based on the principal of sisterhood (note: the former word “sorority” is strongly associated with USA college all-girl houses), always respecting individual and group processes.
*Our political conviction comes from the diverse feminisms through which we recognize our differences. We know ourselves to be capable of a joyful rebellion which gives us the strength to decolonize our bodies, our relationships and the spaces we occupy.
*We are committed to constant reflection and questioning of our daily actions in order to transform our own practices that reinforce the patriarchy.
*We are committed to involving ourselves in the communities where we live and their social movements, strengthening, multiplying and articulating transformational processes by and for oppressed women.
*We reject elite practices and we work to create alliances for ourselves and for other women.

Madalena Berlin

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Was heißt das?
Kuringa - Madalenas Berlin
Grüntaler Strasse 35
13359 Berlin Deutschland

KURINGA ist ein Raum für Theater der Unterdrückten in Berlin: für die kreative Verbreitung der Methode durch Forschung, künstlerische Produktion, Qualifizierung, Projekte und Forumtheatergruppen. Unsere Initiativen zielen auf die Stärkung von – lokalen, r

Weitere Projekte entdecken

Berlin Feminist Theater Festival "NO means NO"
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