Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

I welcome a good day I am letting go of all I fear I surrender to the Power of Love and choose happiness above all things I welcome a good day

Making album has been the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. Being hit by this pandemic gave (or maybe forced) me the "opportunity" to reflect on my life, life around me and inspired me to create an album that I am incredibly proud of. All songs are new and written by me. Some of them will make you dance, some will make reflect, some will make you cry, but all of them are honest and created from the bottom of my heart.
12.04.21 - 10.05.21
1 to 2 months
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 4.000 €

Record the vocals of all songs, mix and master them.

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Worum geht es in dem Projekt?

Perpetual Euphoria is my debut album where I am in charge of the production of the music. The album has 13 songs, All composed and written by me. The production is taking place in Hamburg at the Chaos Compressor Club (Studios). The album concept borrows the narrative of the pursuit of happiness. Musically inspired by Artists like Moby, Led Zeplin , Björk, Muse, Madonna, Sneaker Pimps among others and with special focus on lyrical content and a modern sound and approach.

Was sind die Ziele und wer ist die Zielgruppe?

My goal with this project is make pop music mean something again, yeah it might sound pretentious but it's true. I wanna make pop commercial music but with meaning to it, the kind of music that you can groove to it, but if you pay attention there is a message behind it and not just be a repetition of nonsensical words with no meaning. I wanna make music that matters, that can create a discussion at the dinning table.

Warum sollte jemand dieses Projekt unterstützen?

I have managed to finance part of production myself, but with the pandemic there's just no way of doing it anymore. My goal is to have the album ready by the end of June and then release it in the summer July/August. For that I need financing to pay the producers, the Studio, sound engineer, photographers, art designer, etc...

Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung?

Once the amount needed is achieved, I will go immediately into studio to record the vocals and have the songs finished (mixed, mastered, etc.) I will then also work on some promotional material, photos, media, etc... The ideal scenario would be to release the album and immediately go on tour (Hopefully things will get back to some sort of normality soon). The release of the will be on all streaming platforms but also on proper album hard copy (CD)

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?

I am working with two different producers. Zack James and Taylor Franklin, both well established producers who accepted to work on my songs after listening to my demos. The recordings are happening in Hamburg at Chaos Compressor Club Studios and the songs are being mixed by Paulo Jeaveux ( a well established producer with decades in the market)

Das Crowdfunding-Projekt war nicht erfolgreich und kann nicht mehr unterstützt werden.

  • Alle Bestellungen und Zahlungen wurden automatisch storniert und rückabgewickelt.
  • Du hast Fragen? Melde dich beim Startnext-Support-Team.
Was heißt das?
Dunne Barcciolli
Holstenwall 18
20355 Hamburg Deutschland
USt-IdNr.: 68504071239

If there is any need of further communication you can contact me vie e-mail.

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Perpetual Euphoria
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