Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010
Iara Kaltheier Ferreira

Iara Kaltheier Ferreira

German Motion Pictures student at Hochschule Darmstadt.
I am a currently in my 5th semester of university and have been mostly taking the roles of either Production or areas like set design and art directing. This is the first Film that I will be directing and I am very excited to be working with the OsOm Production Team!

Abonnierte Projekte
Eigene Projekte
OsOm Team

Out Of Sight, Out of Mind - Short film

A short film critique against the mental abuse, which social media content moderators have to endure with little psychological support.
1.658 € (83%)
Out Of Sight, Out of Mind - Short film

Im Team von

Agnes, Iara, Justus


Ein Kurzfilm über Ungerechtigkeit und den Krieg gegen Drogen
5.330 € (99%)