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A fictional novel. A drummer in pursuit of stardom is on a one way track to joining rock n roll's infamous 27 club unless he can change his trajectory

Ride is a fictional novel inspired by true events. It follows Australian drummer Tommy Chaise in pursuit of rock n roll stardom. When Tommy joins 'The Fury' his world is changed forever. He plays a series of calamitous shows across Melbourne before the band relocate to London to have a crack at the big time. Unable to break destructive behaviour & limiting beliefs Tommy must face up to the truth or risk his demise.
01.02.20 - 02.03.20
July 2020
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 3.000 €

This will enable the book to be delivered to you & the rest of the world.

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Danny Thomas
Danny Thomas1 min Lesezeit

Hi guys,

Thank you so much for joining the RIDE!
I am so grateful for your contributions so far & helping the book on its way to fruition. It has been a long time dream of mine to publish it & is my hope it will in turn help others in pursuit of their dreams. I can't wait to deliver your reward packages if we have a successful campaign.

I am about to fly home to Australia for the first time in 2 years where I will be having meetings regarding separate funding to the campaign. Due to this, the initial funding goal of 5k has been reduced to 3k. The remaining 2k will hopefully be made up as a result of these meetings. This doesn't affect the rewards which remain the same.

There is still a long way to go in a short amount of time. Without your generous support this amazing journey would not be possible. I will be posting an audio sample of the book soon so stay tuned! Exciting times...

Thank you again & enjoy the ride!
Danny Thomas

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