Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

An upcoming foodtruck bringing daily changing vegan food using fresh seasonal ingredients!!

The Happy Rhino will launch its five-week Crowdfunding Campaign on October 3 to raise 30,000 euros to be able to buy a truck, pay for tax, insurance, building a kitchen, business license and all the other boring stuff that comes along with starting a business! The Happy Rhino is based on three principles - FOOD, ETHICS AND PUNK ROCK!
03.10.16 - 07.11.16
March 2017
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
10.000 €
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Got a flippin Van!

Demian Hobby
Demian Hobby1 min Lesezeit

Alright Geezers!
2017 has started off looking peachy...
Got this van currently getting fixed by Auto Paul in the Northern suburbs of Berlin. Just needs a new battery and a ventilator, but is already roadworthy, has half a kitchen in the back and it was cheeeeeeep!
So this is the last time I'm going to Spam y'all via email blog updates - cause I can imagine that will get annoying!
I will be updating the website with progress on the truck at and the Facebook page so check em out to see how we're doin'!
In other news.. Gonna be measuring the dimensions this week to give to Joseph Nowak (the legend who did the logo) and he'll be on the case to design an EPIC rhino paintjob!
Including a sweet as Oi Polloi mural for the wall of fame on it's backside!
I sent out the rest of the packages on Dec 23, so apart from a couple of peeps Ive emailed to meet up, and two beers that I need to deliver - everyone should have their rewards!
If you dont - get in touch!
Happy New Years and all that!

Das Crowdfunding-Projekt wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Das Unterstützen und Bestellen ist auf Startnext nicht mehr möglich.

  • Die Abwicklung getätigter Bestellungen erfolgt entsprechend der angegebenen Lieferzeit direkt durch die Projektinhaber:innen.

  • Die Produktion und Lieferung liegt in der Verantwortung der Projektinhaber:innen selbst.

  • Widerrufe und Rücksendungen erfolgen zu den Bedingungen der jeweiligen Projektinhaber:innen.

  • Widerrufe und Stornos über Startnext sind nicht mehr möglich.

Was heißt das?
The Happy Rhino
Demian Hobby
Rigaer 78
10247 Berlin Deutschland

Weitere Projekte entdecken

The Happy Rhino Vegan Foodtruck!
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