Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Campaign to support the production and release of the full-time debut album of VOYNA

…and sometimes you realize that the story could have taken another way too and how tempting it would be to walk both. VOYNA is this other way, the path that mirrors experiences and sensations, musical homelands and artistic wanderlust... And the songs on “The Cinvat Bridge” are the cobblestones, mined in a heart and a head, paved to some new kind of horizon… For the fact that I´m an independent musician with no label or any company on the back I need your support to make it happen.
14.05.20 - 03.07.20
Autumn / Winter 2020
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 7.000 €

• production costs (studio - recording, mastering, mixing)
• manufacturing plant and printing costs
• production & shipping of the supporters´ items

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84 Unterstützer:innen

Sarah Goldstein
Sarah Goldstein
Thomas Germeroth
Thomas Germeroth
Siegfried Grün
Siegfried Grün
Grit Fahldiek
Grit Fahldiek
Patricia Gerstendörfer
Patricia Gerstendörfer
Patricia Gerstendörfer
Patricia Gerstendörfer
Anne Bartels
Anne Bartels
Såndra Wendebørn
Såndra Wendebørn
Sven & Isabelle Lingott
Sven & Isabelle Lingott
André Fuhrmann
André Fuhrmann
Stepan Molitor
Stepan Molitor
Carolin Bointner
Carolin Bointner
Anonyme Unterstützungen: 32

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VOYNA - crossing "The Cinvat Bridge"

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