Crowdfunding since 2010
The card game „Stimmvieh“ ironically addresses a German election campaign. While all parties are bidding for votes and for realizing their election platforms, often the real issue is fundraising through donations and public refunds. Supporters can vote for campaign slogans and for who the campaign donators will be. Besides, up to 36 supporters can become politicians by placing their portrait onto a card, the back of the box or even its title. The gameplay is language independent.
Funding period
6/23/14 - 7/21/14
October, 31, 2014
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
5,980 €
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Abstimmung über Parteispender/innen // Survey on Party Donators online

Andrea Meyer
Andrea Meyer2 min Lesezeit

Während Daniel und Klaus eifrig an den Fotos und der Grafik werkeln, habe ich die Liste möglicher Parteispender/innen finalisiert. Unter könnt ihr entscheiden, welche der insgesamt 63 Organisationen und Unternehmen ihr gerne im Spiel wiederfinden möchtet. In neun branchenspezifischen Fragen findet ihr je sieben mögliche Spender/innen, Ähnlichkeit mit existierenden Organisationen und Firmen sind selbstverständlich rein zufällig. Einer Anregung bei der Abstimmung über die Slogans folgend dürft ihr beliebig viele Kreuzchen setzen. Ich werde die Umfrage in 48 Stunden, also am Montag gegen 16 Uhr schließen. Danach übernehmen wir die 24 Parteispender/innen, die die meisten von euch angekreuzt haben. Viel Spaß beim Abstimmen!


While Daniel and Klaus are busy working with your pictures and the artwork, I finished the list of potential party donators. At you can decide which of the 63 organisations and companies you want to find in the game. In nine sectoral questions you find seven potential donators each. Similarity with existing organisations and companies are obviously due to pure chance. Following a hint from the survey on the slogans you may mark as many donators as you wish. I will close the survey in 48 hours, i.e. on Monday around 4 pm German time. Afterwards we will integrate those 24 party donators with the most votes into the game. Have fun with the survey!

The crowdfunding project has been successfully completed. Supporting and ordering is no longer available on Startnext.

  • The processing of orders placed will be handled directly by the project owners according to the stated delivery time.

  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

  • Cancellations and returns are subject to the terms and conditions of the respective project owner.

  • Revocations and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.

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Legal notice
Andrea Meyer
Friesenstr. 15
10965 Berlin Deutschland

Umsatzsteuer Nummer / VAT number: DE172567816

Stimmvieh - it's your decision!
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