Great crowd power.
The funding goals is reached! How amazing is that!
I believe a lot in this project. But I honestly wouldn't have thought that so much generous support would back me up so quickly. 1500 Euros is a lot of money and a great support towards a decent camera to capture realites, people and emotions down there in Greece.
And now we're heading towards 2000 Euros; the extra 500 Euros bringing us to Lesvos. We will probably be three people driving there. 2800 km on the road! Quite a distance, but as we heard from locals and initiatives, it's very useful to have a car on the island.
In the next few days, I will update you here on how the planning is going. I have had a lot of interesting conversations. Ideas and contacts come up that I would never been able to create on my own. Crowd power!
For now one example of how a friend shared the news about the project. Thank you supporters!
Your very grateful Laura
(Deutsch hierunter) Elections everywhere. No idea who to vote for? Strategic, ideological, protest? Difficult, since you have no clue what comes out of it anyways. So instead of taking too much time ruminating about the right choice, why not skip this whole theatre and support direct action. There are many ways to do so, but for now I strongly recommend you to support Laura in making a documentary about the current situation. Laura is a great photographer, an aspiring documentary-filmmaker and a great great friend. So giver her your euros. Contrary to your vote, these will definitely not be wasted!
Überall Wahlen und keine Ahnung wen man wählen soll? Strategisch, aus Überzeugung oder Protest? Schwierig, weiß ja eh nicht was am Ende rauskommt. Also anstatt zu viel über das Wahlspektakel zu grübeln, wie wärs einfach mal direkte Aktionen zu unterstützen. Das kann man auf viele Arten. Heute will ich aber mal ne persönliche Empfehlung aussprechen: Unterstützt Laura bei ihrer Dokumentation über die Situation in Lesbos! Laura ist ne super Fotografin, angehende Dokumentarfilmerin und ne sehr sehr gute Freundin! Als her mit euren Euros! Die sind im Gegensatz zu eurer Stimme an der Wahlurne sicher nicht verschwendet!
Pictures taken by me, the first one in Chile two yeary ago at the train tracks in Rancagua.
The second one two weeks ago, when I kept on refreshing this crowdfunding page.