Ooh nice, you here? You seem to have the courage in the right place and have probably already dared to start a crowdfunding project on Startnext. If not, don't worry you can do that, after reading this impulses and making the quizz below.
Now first of all I recommend you to:
- Discover successfully funded projects on Startnext and support projects in the funding phase to learn from them.
- Read all chapters of the manual and check out the Startnext Academy.
- Exchange your idea with other starters, friends or knowledge carriers. You can meet starters in the Academy, get in touch in the Startnext Facebook group or contact professionals.
- Check the Startnext guidelines to see if your project fits in and if you agree with the fee policy of Startnext. I am sure you will.
- Start, if not yet done, your free project draft.