Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Support my debut as Russian born Jazz pianist in Munich!

I am Svetlana Marinchenko, a Russian Jazz Pianist based in Munich. Having finished my university degree, I want to start my professional career as a musician with a statement: My very personal debut album about finding identity in Russia and Germany – cultural, musical, personal. Due to Corona, the lockdown and endless of my concerts cancelled, I need your support for my record which enables me to present my music, my style and my story to the world. Be part of the stepping stone to my future!
29.05.20 - 30.06.20
May 2020 - June 2020
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Worum geht es in dem Projekt?

Support producing my musical business card – so I can start professionally as a Jazz pianist.
During the past four years, I learned a great deal about German and Russian Jazz, living a transcultural life and finding my own position in a new country, a new musical scene and as a female Jazz pianist. These experiences define the musician and composer I am today.
I want to manifest my musical identity with a high-quality album to promote my music and to tell the stories of my life.

Was sind die Ziele und wer ist die Zielgruppe?

My music is influenced by the two very different cultures of Russia and Germany, by the situation of women in Jazz and finding yourself. Anyone who lives between two cultures, who struggles with one’s own position in life and likes to reflect on one’s past – this album goes out to you.
And of course, it is for all those who love a decent Jazz piano quartet!

Warum sollte jemand dieses Projekt unterstützen?

Music needs development, even in times of the Corona crisis. This album is the stepping stone to my musical career and I would like YOU to be part of it! By supporting young artists, you enable them a decent start into the professional music business. I would be honored if you choose to support me!

Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung?

Thanks to your support the album can be mastered and mixed professionally. In addition, a great artwork for the booklet can be realized. Your money contributes directly to the production and you become part of my musical biography, helping me to put my musical profile out there!

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?

I’m Svetlana Marinchenko, born and raised in Moscow. Four years ago I came to Munich to immerse even deeper into the world of jazz and to find my very own style of playing the piano. I immediately was confronted with the clash of Russian and German culture, a completely different musical scene and myself being a newbie in a country so different from my home.
Since then, I was able to gain insight into the German way to play and live Jazz and to reflect my own background and position. Getting to know the different musical traditions influenced my own technique and style fundamentally – and it also helped me to feel comfortable in both, my past and recent home.
I founded my own band – the Svetlana Marinchenko Trio – and started writing my own pieces. Now, at the end of my studies, I am ready to present my music to the world and start my career as a professional Jazz pianist!

Svetlana Marinchenko Trio

Svetlana Marinchenko – piano
Peter Cudek – bass
Simon Popp – drums

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