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Winter Trekking through Jämtland in Stone Age gear - A living history experiment. Cradle to cradle. Sustainable living.

On my quest to find out more about our ancestors I am travelling soley with stone age gear through the remote swedish backcountry for two weeks. Travelling in winter can be a real challenge. This is true even today, but how was it for our ancestors during the last ice age? To find out, I am taking on this special trekking challenge.
27.02.24 - 03.05.24
Happening February/ March 2024
Website & Social Media
Finanzierungsziel: 3.300 €
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Primäres Nachhaltigkeitsziel
Nachhaltiger Konsum

Worum geht es in dem Projekt?

The "Nordic Walkabout" is a special kind of reenactment project.

Engagement with history and cultural development is in general taking place in closed spaces and has the character of interlectual-theoretical discourse. To bring human cultural history and nature to life it is also important to gain insight and knowledge during realitic conditions, which immersive reenactment and living history formats offer.
As a professional, working in the field of experimantal achrchaeology it is my passion to offer insights into the lifes and realities of our ancestors living during the stone age. A period which has strongly characterized us as human beings.
Through the immersion into the living conditions of our ancestors it is possible to gain very unique and multi-layered knowledge, which then enables me to transport these experiences in vivid and thrilling first hand accounts to the public.
The "Nordic WalkAbout" aims to bring to life the living and travelling conditions of early hunter-gatherer groups during the end of the ice age.
This entails to be travelling with authentically fashioned equipment for 14 days through Jämtland, Sweden.

Was sind die Ziele und wer ist die Zielgruppe?

The goal of the project is to simulate and document winter travelling conditions during the end of the palaeolithic period. Clothing and equipment, which I fashioned following ethnographical and archaeological examples, will be tested and its functuality analysed.
The results will be shared with an international audience through my professional network, museum presentations, lectures, publications and other channels to the general public. The experience gained will also be incorporated into a new book project with my publisher (Stocker Verlag, Austria).
My three decades of experience in the archaeotechnical field have shown, that there is a broad public interest of all ages in the different aspects connected to prehistory.

Warum sollte jemand dieses Projekt unterstützen?

The "Nordic Walkabout" is a unique undertaking, which bundles my thirty years of experience in traditional crafts, experimental archaeology and living history.

It provides a real chance to gain unique insights into the lives of our ancestor, which less immersive approaches can not offer.
My goal is that we will get a little bit closer to understanding our roots as human beings.

Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung?

Some people missed the first campaign and asked me to have another one. Thank you for your outreach. That means a lot.

Such an undertaking requires a lot of time and heart and soul.

Since I am a freelancer your financial support will directly fund the project by covering expenses for travel, food, production of gear and clothing, as well as research and logistics. Your support will be a great help for me.

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?

Organizer and executive of the "Nordic WalkAbout" project is me, Markus Klek, Paläotechnik, Germany.
Of course, nothing can be achieved without assistance.
The photographer Daniel Geiger ( who is shooting for Outdoor Magazin, Germany is accompanying me to guarantee for stunning photo and video material.
The european association for experimental archaeology, interpretation, living history and museology ( is supporting the project through its international network.
Furthermore, I can rely on my network of friends and colleagues from the fields of traditional crafts and ancient technology to stand by my side with their advice and support.

Welche Nachhaltigkeitsziele verfolgt dieses Projekt?

Primäres Nachhaltigkeitsziel

Nachhaltiger Konsum

Warum zahlt das Projekt auf dieses Ziel ein?

Cradle to cradle.
No waste, which is not persishable, during the making of my clothing and gear.

Dieses Projekt zahlt außerdem auf diese Ziele ein

Leben an Land

Das Crowdfunding-Projekt wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Das Unterstützen und Bestellen ist auf Startnext nicht mehr möglich.

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Was heißt das?

02.05.24 - Hello, Thank you so much for your support. I...

Thank you so much for your support.
I am stopping this crowdfunding now and I really appreciate your contribution.
Kind regards,

Nordic Walkabout
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