Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Rette VinoKilo, rette deine Alternative zu Fast-Fashion!

Mit einer echten nachhaltigen Alternative zur Fast-Fashion haben wir mit unserer Vintage Second Hand Mode bisher mehr als 300.000 Vintage Herzen erreicht. Mit der Mission, eine nachhaltigere Zukunft zu gestalten, haben wir mit Euch fantastische Vintage Kilo Sales erleben dürfen. Genau daran wollen wir nach der Krise wieder anknüpfen. Ihr könnt uns helfen indem Ihr Eure Kilos jetzt kauft und bei unseren ersten Events nach der Krise gegen tolle Vintage Schätze eintauscht.
24.04.20 - 31.05.20
23.April - 13.May
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 40.000 €

Unsere monatlichen Kosten: Miete, Unterhalt, Logistik, Löhne & externe Dienstleistungen

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Let's ensure all of you can redeem their kilos of vintage treasures!

VINOKILO - Robin Balser
VINOKILO - Robin Balser2 min Lesezeit

Facing the Corona-Crisis really has been a challenge and still is!
Sometimes we feel as if we have been swept off our feet. Governmental restrictions had us cancel our Events between March and June and left us in the unknown about our futures.
Now we are two months into the Corona-Crisis. There is light, there is opportunity. We have adapted our event concept to the post corona situation.
Instead of running vintage kilo sale events - we are now inviting you to Pop-Up Stores!

Last weekend was our first, a great success thanks to the +700 people who showed their support at the event! We are hopeful and thankful, because we believe in our community, who also have shown their support in this crowdfunding campaign and now also at our Pop-Up Store.

We started the Crowdfunding Campaign, because we were struggling and still are!

Due to the fact that we are able to run ‘Pop-up Stores’ we have decided to not wanting to push our crowdfunding towards you, but rather encourage you to come to our future Pop-Up Stores (Linz, Bremen, Berlin, Mainz etc )! We are entering again a time, where you can show love and support by showing up at our Events and contribute towards the survival of Vinokilo by buying a kilo in person.
We are lowering our funding goal to ensure that everyone who has supported this Crowdfunding Campaign is able to collect their kilos of vintage treasures at any future Pop-Up Store.
Let’s spread the word! Let’s share the love for vintage in real life again!

Das Crowdfunding-Projekt wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Das Unterstützen und Bestellen ist auf Startnext nicht mehr möglich.

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Was heißt das?
Darpdecade GmbH & Co. KG
Robin Balser
Am Kummerling 2
55294 Bodenheim Germany

Vinokilo is a social enterprise that runs Germany's biggest pop-up event for second hand clothes. Clothes are being sold at a kilo price at our events.

Second hand clothes are handpicked out of containers of clothing waste. They are curated, cleaned and repaired and sold as vintage ( all time classics 60s - 90s ) at our pop up events (in Germany, Netherlands and Nordics) per kilo price and in a feel-good atmosphere of wine, food and music.

By covering as many distribution touch points as possible ( offline events, online sales and stores ), we aim to become Europe’s largest touchpoint for reusing second hand clothing and hence inspire audiences globally to perceive secondhand clothes as first hand alternative to newly industrialised clothing items.

VinoKilo needs your support!

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