Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

A collection of my intercultural songs and orchestral pieces has been recorded. Now we need to mix and master before releasing the album!

Tearing through musical landscapes and never arriving! Come on a sonic storytelling trip with me and the wonderful musicians I hand-picked to play on this chamber pop album. We are going to deliver a high-quality mix to do the music justice. For that we need your help! Bonus: there are two epic live orchestral tracks on this album!
25.07.19 - 26.08.19
July-September 2019
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 1.350 €

With this money, I can finish the rest of the mix, mastering and CD print of the album.

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Crossing Over into Orchestra

Zeina Azouqah
Zeina Azouqah2 min Lesezeit

The fifth track on the album is instrumental. It's not just instrumental, it's orchestral-- as in 50 living, breathing musicians interpreting your music as one body. Wow.

When I entitled this piece, I was thinking only of the text I had written before starting to compose.

"I will hide in a vast, gaping hole
Ripped open by freedom
I will journey to a tiny point and call
Love and Death to meet them"

The title ended up carrying more meaning than crossing between the two spaces in the text (the hole to the tiny point)-- it also implied that I was now officially forraying into that strange realm of "crossover". Including orchestral pieces on this album makes total sense now. It wasn't enough anymore to have different cultural influences within the smaller ensemble I had gathered to play the songs, I had to also vary the ensemble itself. So, although the text was originally meant to be sung, it ended up being orchestrated because I believe it needed the dynamic contrasts
that that special combination of plucked, hit, blown and bowed instruments in a large reverberating chamber can provide.

The pieces all together still do form a cohesive whole, I find. I hope you enjoy your journey with them.


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