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Wir wollen einem Hilferuf aus der Slowakei folgen & mit unseren innovativen Booten dabei helfen, die Müllmassen aus dem Fluss zu beseitigen. Hilf uns!

Wir, Pacific Garbage Screening (PGS), haben es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht, Flüsse & Ozeane mit Hilfe einer dafür entwickelten Plattform von Müllverschmutzung zu befreien. Als ergänzenden Teil dazu entwickeln wir unsere Müllsammelboote ("CollectiX"), welche wir bereits erfolgreich im Emsland testen konnten. Inmitten dieses Prozesses haben wir einen Hilferuf aus der Slowakei erhalten. Dort ist der Fluss "Hron" so verdreckt, dass wir gebeten wurden spontan zu helfen. Und genau das möchten wir tun!
27.10.20 - 26.07.20
Ende Juli / Anfang August 2020
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 20.000 €

Wir wollen dem Hilferuf aus der Slowakei folgen & den "Hron" mit unseren Müllsammelbooten innerhalb weniger Tage von so viel Müll befreien wie möglich.

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#CleanUpMission: Free the Hron from garbage!

Michael Scharsig
Michael Scharsig5 min Lesezeit

We want to follow a shout for help from Slovakia and help with our innovative boats to clear the garbage from the river. Help us do it!

What is this project all about?

Pacific Garbage Screening consists of a non-profit organization (e.V.) & a Green Startup (GmbH). We have made it our task to free the oceans & rivers from plastic waste, to establish sensible recycling methods on site and to tackle the waste problem at the root through educational work - in order to protect the oceans through innovation and inspiration.

As part of this mission, we use garbage collection boats that listen to the "CollectiX" and can collect large quantities of garbage at once together with Berky GmbH & PGS GmbH. The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence has also installed cameras & drones on our garbage collection boats, which scan the garbage and determine what type it is.

In the midst of this process, we now have the chance to test one of our garbage collection boats in real cases & thereby free the Hron river in Slovakia from the garbage masses.

However, we will not only stop by and "tidy up", but with a filming team and with the involvement of local NGOs, we will do everything we can to sensitize people locally to environmental protection and to create sustainable attention for the topic.

Of course, we could not plan an emergency call like this & so we currently do not have the funds to travel to Slovakia from our own budget with all our technology.

What is the project goal & who is the project for?

Our goal is clearly to get as much garbage as possible - and we're talking about several tons of garbage - from the Hron. At the same time, the time is right for us to test the boat in a real case.

Last but not least, with our efforts we hope to make it clear to the citizens of the region why something has to be done to re-pollute the Hron & why it is not enough to deal with the problem once a year.

We are aimed at all sea & nature lovers, everyone who is interested in innovative technologies & advances, and everyone who wants to help us free the waters of our planet from garbage and plastic.

In this specific case, we need every support to make the Hron a bit bluer again - in the long term and sustainably.

Why would you support this project?

We are convinced that our way is the right one to free our oceans & rivers from garbage in the long term. On the way to achieving this goal, calls like this are worth their weight in gold to us, because we can not only test our status quo, but can finally also set an example in water.

In addition, we didn't have to think long when we first saw the images of the Hron. We pursue our mission out of a matter of the heart and if we get the chance to provide help at short notice, we definitely want to do so.

Your support would therefore mean a lot to us, because with this trust we could really make a difference this year. Share your content on your social networks under #CleanUpMission - every click is important.

+ Info: From a donation of 200 Euros, we can also create a donation receipt on request. +

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

For us, successful crowdfunding means that we can get started right away and that our plan - to clear the trumpet of trash - will be put into practice.

We will invest the money directly in the following areas:

  • Return transport
  • Inserting and pulling out the "CollectiX" with the help of a crane
  • Operating costs [/ b] for drivers and helpers
  • Cost of AI technology
  • Disposal & recycling
  • Supervision of a turning team
  • Traveling expenses
  • Total organization
  • - Communication work

Only if we tackle all of these points in a targeted manner can we really ensure positive change there.

This is how you do it:

1) Click on the link: ! And don’t get confused by German sentences, just follow the instructions.

2) Next to the gallery you’ll find the section “Support”.
Type in the amount of money you want to donate and press “select”.

3) In “Your Selection” you get an overview and if you like you can add an reward. If everything is right, click on “Continue to payment”.

4) In the last step you can choose your payment method between debit card and credit card. Afterwards, you accept the terms of use and the privacy policy, confirm that you over the age of 16 and you can choose if you want to remain anonymous to the crowd or not.

Thank you for your support!

Pacific Garbage Screening e.V.
Marcella Hansch
Strüverweg 116
52070 Aachen Deutschland

Amtsgericht Aachen VR 5663
Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE321301371

Vertreten durch:
M. Sc. Architektin Marcella Hansch - Vorsitzende
Stellvertr. Vorstand: Tilman Flöhr (Leiter F&E)

Clean Up Mission: Fluss "Hron" von Müll befreien
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