Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010
Verbessertes TYPO3-Backend mit neuen Features Das Ziel dieses Projektes ist die Veröffentlichung von Grid Elements 2.0 im Frühjahr 2013. Diese Extension wird kompatibel zum neuen TYPO3-6.0-Core sein und zahlreiche neue Funktionen zur Verfügung stellen, wodurch die tägliche Arbeit mit dem Content-Management-System erleichtert und damit beschleunigt wird.
01.10.12 - 31.12.12
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
30.000 €
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Grid Elements 2.0 - we reached our goal!

Jo Hasenau
Jo Hasenau2 min Lesezeit

After eight month of planning, funding, working together at the code sprint and the following phase of development, version 2.0 went online last Sunday at the TYPO3 camp in Berlin.

During that time we not only got your financial support as sponsors, for which we want to say thank you again, but a completely positive feedback as well, coming from the whole TYPO3 community and beyond. This shows that we are on the right track with our combination of crowd funding, paid and voluntary work for an open source product and motivates us to aim for other projects with this concept.

Since the particular features are now fully available, we will finish and ship the promised rewards, namely the extended manual as well as the tutorial DVD, within the next weeks. Additionally you can still buy the official t-shirt in our shop It has the same price as the related feature during the funding phase and you will support the development and bug fixing of Grid Elements 2.0 and upcoming versions with it.

Regarding the workspace and multi language problems of IRRE based extension with the current versions of the TYPO3 core, the only available solution is to use a patched core. The patches have been paid by parts of the project budget, but can not be merged into the official core without checking carefully if there are any side effects. Therefor we will have a code sprint within the next weeks with members of different teams trying to find a common solution.

Additionally we are in the planning phase for a new project with the working title "Kickstarting Grid Packages", that will start with a workshop at the TYPO3 developer days in Hamburg. More about that later. And we will have a minor release version 2.0.1 this week, which will fix those bugs, that happened during the presentation at the camp.

As you can see, it won't get boring :-)

Cybercraft Media Manufactory UG
Petra Hasenau
Zellbach 69
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld Deutschland

USt-IdNr.: DE266722178

Grid Elements 2.0
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