Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010
Ein gestresster Geschäftsmann, eine blutrünstige Verkehrsinsel mitten im Wald und ein Jahr in 12 Minuten - unser Kurzfilmprojekt 90 GRAD NORD erzählt in grotesker moderner Märchen-Manier die Geschichte eines Geschäftsmannes, der ein Jahr lang von einer teuflischen Verkehrsinsel festgehalten wird. Wird er sein Leben umdenken, um zu überleben? Wofür entscheidet er sich: Selbstsucht oder Liebe?
22.07.13 - 15.09.13
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
10.000 €
Film / Video
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Raving Ravenna

Detsky Graffam
Detsky Graffam2 min Lesezeit

We've just come back from the 18th Circle of Dreams International Short Film Festival (Corti Da Sogni), held in Ravenna. A very big thank you to all the organisers and wonderful people, who made it such a special event! With their fantastic hospitality, Capoletti that was to die for and enriching Philosophical discussions (about Kubrik and the meaning of 'Bromance'), we couldn't have wished for a more enjoyable time at Corti Da Sogni! Speaking of Bromances, we're feeling rather Bro- and Sismantic after meeting so many wonderful people during our visit!

As well as enjoying the festival, it was huge fun to hold a masterclass for three classes from high schools in Ravenna, teaching the tricks of the film trade. Thank you to Matteo Papi (educator of children, basketball commentator extraordinaire and film connoisseur) and Roberto Artioli as well as the red headed teacher for organising this event along with the 250 enthusiastic students, who took part.

Finally, we'd like to congratulate all the festival winners: Han Jong Lee in the International category for his film Blues With Me; Sandra Schießl for winning the animation award for Chika, die Hündin im Ghetto; Director Aldo Iuliano, who won the Italian section with Penalty; and, finally, we are proud to have been on the jury for the European section, awarding the prize to the excellent The Peculiar Abilities of Mr Mahler directed by Paul Philipp. The GRR (Giovani Registi Raccontano) prize for young filmmakers was awarded to WATU WOTE - All of Us. Congratulations all round!

Molte grazie Corti Da Sogni!

K17 Films GbR
Detsky Graffam
Rhinower Straße 10
10437 Berlin Deutschland

Steuernummer 31/314/00600
Finanzamt Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin
Gewerbe-Anmeldung in Betriebsstätte Pankow

90 Grad Nord
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