Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010
WHOLE is an important highlight on the calendar for queers & their allies who wish to transcend their differences and experience collective joy. The 4th edition is cancelled due to COVID-19, making our financial situation dire. We carry major debts from our developing years and have no corporate support or major sponsorships: everything is funded by ticket sales. A major act of solidarity from our community is the only thing that will ensure the survival of WHOLE in these uncertain times.
24.04.20 - 15.06.20
Until the next edition
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Worum geht es in dem Projekt?

WHOLE Festival acts like a summit, bringing queer collectives from all over the world together for a weekend of art, music, workshops, performances, panels & more. We all want to belong. We all want to be accepted for who we truly are. We are freer and more creative than we think. Together we can begin to transform our consciousness, allowing us to question existing realities and create new ones.

Was sind die Ziele und wer ist die Zielgruppe?

We are a family of weavers, great dreamers and lost souls. The tender in healing. A chaotic equilibrium. Balanced upon the right to tell our own stories.

Warum sollte jemand dieses Projekt unterstützen?

Through collective action we strive to be an example for generations to come. A place where we learn to radically accept ourselves and exist without anxiety or fear. WHOLE Festival is one of the very few queer camping festivals in the world. Losing this supportive space would be a major loss for our community, impacting the collectives who’ve dedicated countless hours to its development, and the artists & audience members that rely on it. Help us hold onto this little piece of paradise.

Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung?

Even without hosting this year’s event, we have already incurred production costs that can’t be recovered. We also want to pay our team members & local Berlin collectives who have worked hard all year in the preparations of the festival, who have lost all work for an indeterminate period of time.

We are refunding all tickets for the 2020 edition, while asking ticket holders to support us by donating a part of their ticket price, should they be in the position to do so. Those donations will also support this campaign.

Should your generosity exceed our goal, the extra funds will be divided the following way:
10% To be voted on by you, our community, via online poll
10% Berlin Collective Action: Nightlife Emergency Fund
40% To be divided equally between all collectives that were to be a part of this year’s festival. The livelihood of nightlife workers everywhere has taken a strong hit during this pandemic.
40% Preliminary funding for the next edition of WHOLE

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?

WHOLE is rooted in Berlin’s vibrant queer party scene, co-curated year-round by Buttons, Cocktail d’Amore, Gegen, Golosa, Horse Meat Disco, Lecken, Mina, Pornceptual, Room 4 Resistance, and Trash Era. United, our voices make a strong impact through intersectional solidarity.

Our extended family consists of unique voices from around the world:
BBZ - London, Honcho - Pittsburgh, Horoom/Bassiani - Tbilisi, Is Burning - Amsterdam, Mamba Negra - São Paulo, Mash-Up - Berlin, New World Dysorder - NYC/Berlin, OMOH + Persephone - Budapest, Oramics - Poland, Popoff Kitchen - Moscow, Queens Against Borders - Berlin, QReclaim - Athens, Seafood - Chengdu, Spectrum Formosus - Taipei, Spielraum - Amsterdam, T4T LUV NRG - USA, Unter - NYC, Veselka - Kiev, Zvuk - Kazakhstan

Whole Festival

Whole GmbH
Raquel Fedato
Schönhauser Alle 167A
10435 Berlin Deutschland

Geschäftsführer_innen: Raquel Fedato, Danilo Rosato, Jacob Meehan, Chris Phillips, Giacomo Garavelloni, Giovanni Turco

HRB 206753 B, Amtsgericht Charlottenburg
VAT: DE323928807

27.04.20 - For English, click the drop down menu, the 3...

For English, click the drop down menu, the 3 bars located in the top left corner.

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