
Gefördert von Landeshauptstadt München


Neustart Kultur

Juhuuuuuu. Es ist vollbracht! Wir haben das Startziel geknackt! Tausendenundein Dank an die fantastischen Unterstützer*innen! Ihr seid wunderbar.
Wow, tausend Dank an Konstantin Wecker für seine super großzügige Unterstützung! Eine große Ehre. Vom Meister selbst. Juhuhu!
Dystopianern is the title of an electro-acoustic album of songs that we plan, among aother things, to produce and release as a vinyl edition. Lyrics and music are by the artist Ira Blazejewska. In addition, Dystopianern is part of a broader project. There will be a book with drawings by Ira and Zygmunt Blazejewski@DNAfruit. There will be performances, in a boxing ring, theatre, cityscape. Our agenda: dystopia, antifascism, decadence, lust, glamour.
This sum is to cover the costs of producing the album Dystopianern; this includes the preproduction, recording in a sound studio, and compensating everyone involved equitably.