Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Mit Liebe unverpackt. Nachhaltig einkaufen in Berlin Neukölln / Alt-Treptow, direkt am Weigandufer.

Herbie Unverpackt, ist ein Laden für unverpackte Bio-Lebensmittel und Bio-Kosmetika. Mit unserem Projekt möchten wir eine bewusste Art des Einkaufens etablieren. Ein nachhaltiges Leben, mit möglichst wenig Verpackungen. Wir wollen Verantwortung für unsere wunderschöne und endliche Welt übernehmen und mit euch gemeinsam der Natur ihren Raum zum Atmen zurückgeben! #mitliebeunverpackt
02.07.20 - 13.09.20
07.2020 bis 09.2020
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 10.000 €

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For Herbie non German speaking supporters

Carmela La Spina
Carmela La Spina3 min Lesezeit

Lovely friends,

The last few weeks have been really hectic. Don’t need to say cause you can probably imagine how crazy could be managing a business all by yourself.

But actually I’m not alone ;) So I want to thank first of all my collaborators Ola and Emilia. Martin, my most important support and of course my friends, my number one fans.

I also received a lot of support from people who didn’t really know me and who trusted me from the first minute on. People like me, small entrepreneurs who are trying to create a better world, people who travel in their zero waste journey every day, who encounter difficulties but still are fighting and more importantly always with a smile! Never lose hope! This unconditional love and trust was so inspiring for me.

I met some beautiful women at the Green Market Berlin, the founder of Kornwerk, Oat Milk made with the rest of oats, using such a waste is so amazing! Be prepared to find it at Herbie. Then I met Barbara, founder of Love and Grow so full of joy and enthusiasm with her refreshing spray that helped me go through 35 degrees! We will meet next week to plan some amazing workshops of DIY self care products at our amazing Herbie. Speaking of workshops, a meeting with Anna, founder of Liberteco and Aurelia Paumelle, stylist of upcycling fashion, brought the organisation of Herbie very first workshop: how to sew your own cotton bag to use in your zero waste grocery shopping! Stay tuned for details about it!

Thanks to all of you people, thanks for your support! We reached more than a 100 supporters and hopefully we will reach the final goal which is really vital for us. In only 20 days we reached our first goal. Wow!
Now, most people think that when we reach the first goal, we are ok. It is actually not quite right. We could do much better reaching the second goal cause we could have a bigger assortment of products for the first months and we could afford without problems all the expenses for renovation, furniture, cashier system etc. Plus we won’t be able to hire a help for me, who will work at the shop alone.

That’s why I want to announce to you that the opening time of the shop will be from 9 to 13 then a break (Sicilian siesta) and from 15 to 19. We will try this opening time and of course I will wait for your feedback and will make some adjustments together.

I promise after the crowdfunding I will start with zero waste recipes, DIY suggestions etc.

Carmela and the Herbie Team

Das Crowdfunding-Projekt wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Das Unterstützen und Bestellen ist auf Startnext nicht mehr möglich.

  • Die Abwicklung getätigter Bestellungen erfolgt entsprechend der angegebenen Lieferzeit direkt durch die Projektinhaber:innen.

  • Die Produktion und Lieferung liegt in der Verantwortung der Projektinhaber:innen selbst.

  • Widerrufe und Rücksendungen erfolgen zu den Bedingungen der jeweiligen Projektinhaber:innen.

  • Widerrufe und Stornos über Startnext sind nicht mehr möglich.

Was heißt das?
Herbie Unverpackt GmbH
Carmela La Spina
Karl Marx Straße 175
12043 Berlin Deutschland

Herbie Unverpackt GmbH
Carmela La Spina
Karl-Marx-Strasse, 175
12043 Berlin

Weitere Projekte entdecken

Herbie Unverpackt, dein neuer Unverpackt-Laden in Berlin
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